Chapter 27

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I was a flustered mess by the time the meeting ended. John kept whispering sexual things in my ear whenever he could. It looked like he was doing the same thing to Marc, but I could barely focus on that. I was so ready to get out of there at the end that I didn't even stop to see how TJ made out talking to Austin.

"Someone's eager," John teased as I impatiently waited for the elevator to reach our floor. Thankfully, we were the only three in there.

"I'm going to blame you for that," Marc said. "You were practically drooling over us for the last hour. Of course he's horny."

"Are you saying you're not?"

I stared at the number above the door, feeling like time was slowing down as it switched from two to three.

"I didn't say that."

Finally, the elevator dinged loudly and the door slid open. I was out of there so fast, I barely heard John cracking up behind me. I didn't care how desperate I looked. I knew what I wanted.

As I dug through my backpack for my key to the room, Marc came up behind me and unlocked the door. Once all of us were inside, I threw myself at Marc - who was standing closest - and, pulling on his shirt, kissed him as hard as I could.

He kissed me back just as passionately, letting his big, strong hands pull me closer against him. I clutched his shirt tighter, using him to steady myself as I stood on my tiptoes. As his tongue slipped into my mouth, I forgot about everything else.

Until a second pair of hands landed on my waist. I broke the kiss with Marc and looked down to see John's fingers dipping into the waistband of my jeans.

"Can I?" he asked breathlessly.

I nodded my head, unable to utter a single word. I wanted this, of course I did. But there was one thing I needed to know first.

I let go of Marc's shirt and took a step back, making John's fingers slip out from the top of my jeans. They both looked confused. I didn't blame them for that. I needed to explain, but I didn't know how to.

I took a deep breath. "So, I do want to do this," I started. "But I'm entirely sure..."

"We don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable with it," Marc said softly, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"I do want to!" I blushed when I realized how desperate I sounded.

John chuckled a bit, but stopped when he sat next to Marc. "So what's wrong?" he asked.

They both stared at me, expecting a solid answer, but I wasn't sure I had one. At least, not one I knew how to articulate out loud. "I just..." I sighed, then figured the only way to get through this was to spit it all out. "You're not going to toss me aside as soon as we've done it, right? Like, you both only want to have sex with me and move on or something? Like it's some sort of bet or whatever between you about getting me in bed? Or that neither of you are even really into me? Or-"

"Spencer, stop," Marc interupted, getting to his feet. He stood in front of me, grabbing both my hands with his. "Of course that's not the case, any of it. At least, not for me. I really like you and I'm in this for the long run."

I blushed again, unable to hold back a smile. I'm sure my cheeks got even redder when John stood up to stand next to Marc.

"For once in my life, I agree with everything he just said." He let out a small laugh, throwing his arm around Marc's shoulders. "We're here for you, Spence. Not the sex."

I stepped closer to them, letting them envelop me into a hug. I loved the feeling of having them both like this. I felt so comfortable and safe in their arms.

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