Chapter XLIV

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~Friday 23rd February 2018~

Vasile passed his hand through the running water, checking the temperature as the liquid parted around his fingertips. Dakota liked it hot, warmer than Vasile was particularly comfortable with, yet he wouldn't mention anything. Not that day. Not with what a mess Dakota had been over the past few days. It was best just to humour him, give him what he wanted. He deserved to be pampered; lavished with affection to make up for his losses.

Rising from the edge of the bath where he had been perched, Vasile looked at himself in the mirror. Even though his flesh was already a dark grey, he could see the fatigue weighing on his skin. His eyes were sunken ever so slightly, dull compared to their usual bright colour, half-lidded the majority of the time. He almost looked unwell, not that he cared. Dakota had mentioned it last night, during one of the hazy periods after his nightmares. Vasile hoped he didn't remember.

Neither had slept very well since Dakota had found out about Grant's death, and Vasile didn't imagine that that would get any better any time soon. Dakota's nightmares were worsening by the day, apparently just countless visions of his father dying, likely fuelled by the guilt he was putting himself through. It would only worsen due to the funeral they were attending that day. Vasile didn't mind in the long run, so long as Dakota was getting a few hours of rest, he could cope with broken slumber.

"Kitten?" Vasile stood in the doorway to the bedroom, trying to see if Dakota was awake or not. Sometimes, those few minutes that the Kept could remain asleep without the Keeper were longer than others. Vasile had only been away from Dakota for around five, so there was still a chance of him having staved off his consciousness.

With only a small grunt in response, Vasile walked closer to the bed, wandering around to the side that Dakota was curled up on and crouching down where the boy's face would be. His eyes were squeezed shut, brows drawn down into a frown, yet he still looked peaceful. He was awake then, clutching onto the covers tucked around him, not looking as though he was going to be pleasant to move.

"I ran you a bath, Kota," Vasile whispered, reaching out cautiously to push back a stray curl from his lover's eyes, "it's ready if you want," Dakota cracked open one eye, looking sceptical for a moment before his features softened. The frown disappeared and his eyes opened properly, the pain shining through into them but seeming more subdued than usual. He might have looked better, but Vasile knew there wouldn't be much change in his mind. He was good at hiding the truth. Although he wasn't able to perform as well in front of Vasile. He knew the boy better than everyone else, he could see between the cracks in the facade.

"You're sweet," Dakota rasped, his voice sounding so beautiful in the morning, hoarse with fatigue that had Vasile warming in all the right places. Sadly, he knew mentioning that would be incredibly selfish. Sex would not help at the moment, and Vasile didn't dare mention when he was in the mood because of that. He knew Dakota would want to please him, if only to reduce the guilt he felt for being in such a low mental state. Vasile wouldn't do that to him. He could last. He had done so so far.

"Are you coming? It might help you relax," Dakota nodded slowly, pushing back the covers and holding out his arms. Just as Vasile had thought. Carefully, Vasile scooped the boy up into his arms, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead and carrying him into the ensuite. Thankfully, they slept naked, meaning it was easy enough to simply lay Dakota in the bath and remove his own boxers before joining the boy.

"I don't want to go today," Dakota admitted in a quiet voice when Vasile had settled comfortably behind him, his arms wrapping around the boy and resting gently on his thighs. At least he was sticking to his vow to be truthful, Vasile was happy to be involved in his thought process. It made him feel useful in a time when there really wasn't much he could do to help.

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