Chapter XLIX

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~Sunday 18th March 2018~

Dakota could barely draw in a breath as he clutched onto Vasile's shoulders, knowing that the man's back would be littered with scratches from their time together. His vision was beginning to swim, mind clouded from the pleasure pulsing through him, body trembling from the overstimulation of his cock being stroked at the same pace Vasile was fucking into him. His moans were broken, tumbling over red and bitten lips as he tried to stay quiet, yet failed miserably almost each and every time.

"Fuck..." Vasile groaned, his movements becoming sudden and stuttered as he came, releasing deep within Dakota. Sadly, the boy could only sigh, frustrations running high and ruining the mood.

"Damn, I was close that time," Dakota muttered, out of breath, as he dragged a hand through his curls, relaxing back into the bed. Vasile didn't look any better, despite having managed to reach his climax, as he laid down next to Dakota, panting himself. They were so out of sync lately, it was driving Dakota insane.

"Do you think it's the pregnancy?" If so, Dakota was not having any more damn kids.

"No," not even wanting to see his own arousal, aching and unfulfilled, Dakota dragged the discarded covers over himself, wishing he could just melt into the bed instead. Four days now, four days since he and Vasile had actually finished together when they fucked. He wasn't blaming Vasile, not for a minute, and definitely not today with his heat to contend with. It was something else entirely, something that was occupying his mind more than he would like.

"It's more like because of half my family downstairs," God, Vasile looked guilty, he always looked guilty when he didn't get Dakota there with him, "I could deal with it when it was just Izzi and Akos, I could forget about that. But now I know East can hear me too, and Senn, it's just weird. I mean, my mom's down there too. I can't... I don't know, I just can't do it," of course, Dakota and Vasile could have gone up to the cabin that day, it was always an option during the gargoyle's heats, they simply didn't think to. They had been so occupied thinking about the baby and everything else that had happened recently that, honestly, Dakota had forgotten entirely about the date. It was too late now. And Dakota didn't matter that day, so long as Vasile was satisfied then he was happy just being a damn cock sleeve. Well, happy was a bit of an exaggeration...

"Maybe we should think about getting our own place," Dakota's eyes widened at Vasile's suggestion. He had thought many times about the same thing, however, he hadn't thought Vasile was ready. He was so used to staying with Izelon and Akos and Mylo, Dakota didn't want to pull him away from that.

"Are you sure?" Dakota didn't want Vasile to move out for him either. He was happy living with the other gargoyles, it was nice. To begin with. Now, admittedly, the penthouse was getting a little crowded.

"Kitten, you're more important to me than anyone else. You're my husband now, we can't live here forever. Not with kids too," Vasile opened his arms when Dakota shuffled closer to him, resting his head on the man's chest and letting out a content sigh, "plus, this whole 'I can't cum' thing is making me a little nervous," the two laughed together, only interrupted by Dakota grimacing when his cock twitched, reminding him of the frustrations all over again, "lie back."

"It's fine, Cael, honestly, it'll go down in a minute. Or I can go take a cold shower or-" Vasile kissed Dakota, silencing the boy as his tongue passed over the seam of his lips. Dakota reached up, resting a hand on Vasile's cheek, before moving it down to caress the back of his neck, then gasping suddenly when he felt the man cup his balls. OK, maybe it wasn't fine. Thank God Vasile was so persistent.

"I'm gonna make you cum, kitten, whether it takes me all damn day or not," Vasile murmured against Dakota's lips, trailing soft kisses down the boy's chest. Dakota would have made some witty little comeback had he not been too busy moaning whilst Vasile stroked his cock at a slow pace. He tried to watch, tried to focus in on the man as he lavished attention over his nipples, before dropping lower to litter dark marks over his navel, but he couldn't manage to. Instead, tipping his head back and closing his eyes, hoping that might be enough to make him forget the wandering ears.

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