Twenty: "Risky Risky Wiggy Wigi"

726 42 85

TW: Breakup

Yoongi sighed dramatically, closing his locker. "You have to be kidding meee-" he whined. "Of all days to forget your homework, why todayyy!" He complained, pouting.

"Oh, Hey Yoon! You forgot your homework?" Heather asked, smiling.

Yoongi scoffed. "Yeah, and what about it?"

Heather frowned. "why so harsh? Aww, Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed~?" She cooed, laughing.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Get lost, Heather." He muttered, attempting to walk away.

"W-Wait! I was talking to you for a reason." She exclaimed, chasing Yoongi before he could get away.

He sighed, turning around. "And that reason is?"

She took a deep breath, trying to regain it after running after him. "Hoseok's using you for your body—"

Yoongi widened his eyes, laughing.

Heather furrowed her eybrows. "What? I'm serious." She mumbled.

Yoongi looked at Heather as if she was crazy. "Really? You think I'd believe you after what you've done to me?"

Heather sighed. "Look- I know I wasn't the nicest person before, and not so different now, but please believe me.."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "And you think I'd believe you because?" 

"Please hear me out, I know you hate me but—"

Yoongi snickered. "I suppose that's true. But do you have any proof?"

Heather sighed. "When we were dating, You and Hoseok were best friends. Despite them being friends, Hoseok would always touch you and kiss you without telling me. It was like- b-before you showed affection..he was using me for the same reason." She paused. "But when he broke up with me, he got with you not even a full day after. And Yoongi, don't you hear the things he says about you? It's always about your body." She explained.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Please, Hoseok is the most caring person I know. Sure, the things he says are pretty— well- yknow..but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love me for who I am inside." He shook his head. "Get a life heather."

Heather was speechless. "Yoongi— wait-"

Yoongi pushed her back. "No. Just- leave me alone." He muttered, giving a smile before walking away.

Yoongi smiled, jumping into his boyfriends arms. "Babyyyy" he exclaimed.

Hoseok smiled back, catching Yoongi. "Princesss!"

Yoongi giggled, kissing Hoseok's cheek.

Hoseok chuckled, ruffling Yoongi's hair. "How was your day bub?" He asked, holding Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi blushed, looking at his feet as he walked out of the school. "I-It was good. But the strangest thing happened."

Hoseok hummed. "What happened baby?"

Yoongi rocked their hands back and forth. "Welll Heather kinda tried to trick me into thinking that you're just using me for my body.." he laughed. "Another one of her schemes. Like we'd ever break up-"

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