Twenty Two: "Heart Shaker"

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(I'm having like- a Twice obsession a the moment so— ALSO WHO ELSE IS EXCITED FOR 'GONE'? I already listened to it on 'The Show' but I'm really excited for the M/V!)

Yoongi pouted, taking the dreadful medicine for the 8th time in 4 days. He had to take it twice (😏) a day.

He pinched his nose, gulping it down before the taste started to get to him. "bLeH!" He shouted, putting his hands over his mouth.

Hoseok laughed, putting the tiny measuring cup on his night stand. "Is it that bad?"

Yoongi nodded, making grabby hands toward Hoseok. "Yoonie can't drink anymore of that icky stuff.." He mumbled, smiling softly as Hoseok got in bed with him, instantly cuddling him.

"But the icky stuff makes you better baby. Doesn't Yoonie wanna go back to school and see all of his best friends?" Hoseok asked, booping Yoongi's nose.

Hoseok giggled. "Yesss Seokiee!"

Hoseok cooed at the boy, kissing his dumpling like cheeks a couple times.

Yoongi laughed at the actions, closing his eyes tightly. "S-Stop it!"

Hoseok chuckled, leaving one last kiss on Yoongi's lips. "Sooo"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "So what-?"

"Have you talked to Jennie? I'm sure she's worried about you..I mean, you've been away from home for weeks now. I had to tell her myself that you left to stay with me." Hoseok explained, Starting to get serious.

Yoongi sighed. "No..I haven't talked to her. I know I really should, I just took what Heather said really seriously and I haven't came back yet."

Hoseok nodded. "Well, just know you're not alone princess.." he paused. "You have me, Jennie, Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, and Eomma to talk to, okay?"

Yoongi smiled, attaching himself to Hoseok. "Thank you so so much Seok.."

Hoseok chuckled. "Your welcome.."

"I love you."

"I love you too.."

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hips, lifting him onto his lap. "Hope you're hungry."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "For what?"

Hoseok winked, smashing his lips onto Yoongi's. Yoongi took a second to process what was happening, kissing back as soon as he was able to comprehend it all.

Things moved quickly, Hoseok now attempting to take off his shirt.

Yoongi giggled, pulling away for a second. "You're so fucking kinky.."

Hoseok smirked, unbuckling his belt. "That's just who I am baby."

Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully, taking off his own shirt. "Wait- let me.." he mumbled, placing his hands over Hoseok's.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows. "Wait what-? What're you—"

Yoongi helped unbuckle Hoseok's belt, purposely gliding his hand over his dick.

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