Chapter 3

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Telling Sky and Riven to calm down he knew it wouldn't take long before they would take off towards the cemetery. Their mate was here. She was hurt. They had to take care of her.

"What the fuck is going on here?" they heard the most beautiful voice scream. Michelle was freaking out, the boys could feel it. "Bloom, what the fuck was that thing and where the hell are we?" They heard again. Silva brought their attention back to him and told them they needed to take it easy with the clearly panicked girl. For starters, they should approach her with care. Although they wanted nothing more than to run to her and hold her in their arms, they knew Silva was right. When Silva saw he got through to them, he guided them back to the entrance of the cemetery where they were met with a furious strawberry blonde girl.

"M, I can explain!" "Don't you fucking "M" me! What in the fucking hell was that creepy ass creature? And where the hell did it go? And how in the world did we get into the forest while we were just in the city?" Michelle screamed while slowly limping away from Bloom. The younger girl knew she had a lot to explain to her older sister. For example, how they weren't sisters by blood. But she didn't know where to start.

Tears were filling up in the eyes of the strawberry blonde girl, but she was too stubborn to let them fall. Sky and Riven were doing their best to not rush forward and comfort their hurt mate but Silva's hands on their shoulders reminded them it would not make the situation any better right now.

Ms. Dowling's voice of reason soon sounded from behind the group. "Maybe we should take this conversation inside the school. We will answer the questions you have ms. Peters." And it would make it easier to keep you there, Farrah thought. "I'm not going anywhere with you people. I want to go home." Michelle protested. "I'm afraid we can't let you go without getting your ankle checked out and explaining what you just saw, ms. Peters" Ms. Dowling responded. "Please, M. After we talk you can go back home, okay?" But she can't. Only, Bloom didn't know that yet.

Seeing how desperate her younger sister was, Michelle calmed down a bit. While the adrenaline was leaving her body, she noticed her ankle starting to hurt. A lot. "Okay, fine. I'll listen to the explanation. But then, I'm gone." No you aren't, Riven and Sky thought at the same time. But for the sake of the situation they didn't say it out loud.

Knowing she wouldn't be making it home before her curfew she decided to text her mom that she was staying over at a friend's place before slowly limping after the headmistress. "M, do you need some help?" Michelle was stubborn as hell and quite mad at her younger sister so she said "No thanks, I'm okay". Sky and Riven however knew the girl's ankle was hurting her a lot as they could feel it themselves so they quickly caught up with the short girl. "It looks kind of painful, if you want we can help you?" Sky offered "No, it's fine. It doesn't hurt at all." She lied through her teeth. "Please, don't lie to us princess" Riven scoffed "We can see the hurt on your face." "I'm not your princess, asshole. I said I'm fine." Both boys were a little taken aback from her statement that she was not their princess. They knew she was human and wouldn't feel the soulmate bond but it still hurt.

Musa felt their hurt at the words and actions of the girl but also the love radiating from them. Oh my god, this girl was their soulmate. She wouldn't be allowed to leave after the talk.

While she didn't have anything against the two boys she also didn't want the girl to feel forced to stay here. Quickly coming up with a plan, she nudged Terra to come with her and caught up with the three. "Hey, I'm Musa. Look, even if it doesn't hurt" which it did, Musa could feel the pain coming from the girl, "you can make it worse by continuing to walk on it. If you want, Terra and I can help you."

Knowing the girl meant well and also secretly dying inside from the pain, she released a heavy sigh and allowed Musa and Terra to help her walk. While Sky and Riven were sad they weren't the ones that got to touch her and help her, they were glad she was taking the weight of her ankle. Musa could feel their relief. Now that she kept her from messing up her ankle more, she had to think about the rest of her plan. She had to tell the girls about her findings. But first, they had to get back to Alfea.

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