Chapter 27| CID

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While waiting for Rick and Courtney, I felt Aya was getting anxious. I held her hand and squeezed it repeatedly to assure her everything would be fine. Finally, Rick arrived minutes before 12 NN and joined us at the table. I can't read Rick's face for the first time in our years of friendship. Rick sat facing the entry door while I sat on his right at the end of the table. At exactly 12NN, Rick looked at the entry door and announced that Courtney had already arrived. The woman in tall stature was walking toward us. I didn't bother to look at her face up to now. I can't remember her face at all. What caught my attention was her protruding belly. I was gob-smacked! The woman who is coming toward our table is pregnant! My mind blanked out for a moment. Then I felt Aya's hand squeezed into mine. I realized then that I needed to tell her one thing.

"I'm sorry, My Aya!"

What I said surprised Aya. Before she could turn around, Courtney already came to me and gave me a peck on the lips. Courtney's action stunned me, and I felt terrible seeing what Aya looked like. Her face turned red, seeing how Courtney placed her lips on mine. But when Courtney walked around to sit beside Rick, Aya's eyes focused on her pregnant belly. Then she looked at Rick, then at me. It replaced the brightness on her face with white, pale color. Her left hand was trying to untangle from my hand, which she was squeezing a while ago. I tried so hard not to let go. I was looking at her. Finally, she bowed her head on the table, and a painful and stinging sensation pricked my heart when I saw a tear fall from her eye. I was about to put my arms around her, but Courtney's words unleashed the beast in me.

"Look, Baby, your Daddy the Cid Waldon is here! We are now a complete family!"

Without letting go of Aya's hand, I banged the table using my other hand. Everyone around us turned to our table. I saw Rick and Courtney's faces turn red. Aya still bowed down and didn't react at all. I faced Courtney with madness in my eyes.

"What is this about, Courtney? Is this one of your stunts?"

"Cid, my Dear, calm down! Is that the way you greet the mother of your child? You are scaring our baby!"

"That can't be mine! You know it very well, Courtney! So that ain't happening!"

"You should have thought of that before you pushed your dick inside my vagina, Cid!"

"I don't believe this! I may have been a mess, but I was always cautious and used protection because I know women like you exist, Courtney!"

"Well, whatever protection you used then didn't work at all, Cid! Look at me now!"

Before I could have probably flipped the table, Rick butted in. 

"Calm down, you guys! We are here to talk about the situation. Let's discuss this as adults and come to an agreement." Said Rick.

"How much do you need, Courtney? Is this about money? Tell me?!!!" 

I was yelling in anger. Anger towards Courtney and the situation, but the greatest is the frustration I am hurting Aya with everything that's going on. I was still holding her hand, but she never moved. Her shoulders moved up and down in slow motion. I know she is crying in silence. 

"I don't need your money! We need you. Our baby needs a father, Cid!" Courtney said with her voice breaking.

"That will not happen, Courtney! Rick will discuss with you how you will get financial support from now. Once you give birth, I will demand a paternity test."

"Then you can keep all your billions, Cid, and I will make sure that the press gets a feast on the story that you decline to take responsibility for this pregnancy! You sure wouldn't want your father to have another heart attack!"

"You slut! I will only be a husband to the woman I love and vow to marry, and it ain't going to be you, Courtney!"

"And who could that be, Cid? It is your choice! The moment I leave this place, I'm not backing down! I will make sure that you will regret the moment you said no to me! I hate this pregnancy anyway! What about Waldon Heir's Abandonment Led to Death of Baby for a headline in tomorrow's news?"

What Courtney said shocked me as hell. I may not have any romantic feelings towards her, but hearing what she might do to an innocent child, mine or not, scared the human soul in me. I slumped in my chair and sighed aloud. Before Rick and I could say anything, Aya's words caused a deepening silence between us.

"You don't have to hurt an innocent child. Cid will take responsibility, Courtney!" said Aya.

"And who are you? At least someone here is thinking right!" Courtney said with an irritating laugh.

"My Aya?! I can't do that. I will be responsible for the child, but I won't be anyone's husband but yours!" 

"Wait, what?! So you are the poor flower slut who seduced Cid?" Courtney gave Aya a mad gaze.

"First of Courtney, I'm not a slut. I may be poor, but I will never be a monster who can even think of harming my child just like you! You can have Cid all you want; just don't hurt the child! Please! Let me go, Cid! I need to go to the washroom!"

"Aya! Please!"

Aya left us, running towards the exit. As I stood up to follow her, Courtney stood and tried to stop me and shouted my name.

"Cid! Stop there now if you don't want to be in tomorrow's headline!" 

"You can do anything you want for all I care, Courtney! Remember that I have been Cid the devil, the beast, and the monster even before I met you! I guess there is no bad news about me I can't handle at all! And if you decide to do anything related to the child in your womb, expect consequences. If that is my child, which I strongly doubt, be ready to hide even in hell. If that is not mine, you are an adult, free to make your own decision! Last, for once, be a decent human being!"

I ran outside the restaurant and looked around the lobby for Aya. But I can't find her. So I went outside the hotel, and she was nowhere. 

Where did you go, My Aya? 

I tried walking from end to end of Barclay street, but I didn't see Aya. My want to bang my head was greater. I hurt her! I failed her! Now she is alone somewhere. I need to think straight. I dialed Rick's number.

"Hello, Rick! I need you to have Aya's phone tracked. Please!"


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