| 7 | Bullies | 7 |

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It was two days before May let me back out of my room. Even though those were school days, she didn't really care, and made me stay home with no food.

Unfortunately for me, the second day I was home also happened to be the day Flash's assignment was due.

And that was the only thing running through my mind as I trudged through the halls of Midtown. 

Flash knew better than to mess with me too much during school, so it was the end of the day that I dreaded.

As soon as I left the school building, Flash had shoved me into the wall, his left arm pinning me to the wall, and reducing my oxygen access quite a bit.

"Thought that was a funny joke did you Penis?" Flash said. His tone came out as mocking, but I could pick out the overwhelming hatred and anger laced through it. "I should teach you a lesson in how to respect your superiors."

Flash grabbed my arm, and began to pull me away from the school grounds. He quietly lead me through some suspiciously empty streets, and into a dark alleyway about 20 minutes from the school.

As soon as we were out of sight, he shoved me to the ground as hard as he could. Because I had used my hands to catch myself, my palms were now littered in cuts and soon to be tiny bruises.

Flash grabbed the front of my shirt, and pulled me up a little bit, only to kick me towards the end of the alleyway.

He lifted me up by the shirt again, and began to punch my already bruised face over and over. At some point, I heard a loud crack, followed by a breath taking pain, and I knew that Flash had just broken my nose. Great.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Crap. Flash suddenly let go of me, and I fell to the ground. Enraged, I did a little half push up, and jumped to my feet.

"That's none of your business." He said, his voice drowning in anger. I looked up to see who exactly he was talking to and - Holy Thor. At the opposite end of the alleyway, stood the one and only Tony Stark.

The next thing I knew, Flash had a gun pointed directly at his head.

"You need to leave." He said.

Mr. Stark just stood there, shocked, his hands in the air.

"Put down the gun."

I noticed Flash's finger beginning to press down lightly on the trigger, and my Spidey Senses started to go haywire.

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, and shot over at Flash, knocking the gun out of his hands towards the wall, and kicked him backwards, then without thinking webbing him to the wall.

"Oops..." I said quietly. Now my mortal enemy, and the one and only Tony Stark knew I was Spiderman.

"Nice job kid..." Mr. Stark said approaching slowly. "Spiderman?"

"Yeah..." I said.

"Why don't you come hang out at the tower sometime. You can come tonight if you want."

"W-wait really?"

"Yeah. You're a hero too."

"S-sure." I said. Sure I knew May would be furious that I was late, but I techniaclly was already late, and I was willing to risk more of a beating if I got to go to AVENGERS TOWER and have dinner.

"Hey... You look familiar." Mr. Stark said. I just tilted my head as he scrolled through his phone. "Is this you?" He asked, showing me a picture that I had- Wait. That was the picture I had sent to the group chat the day Tony made- Oh.

"I-Is that the picture from the group chat?" I asked. Mr. Stark slowly nodded.

"T-Tony?" I asked. Mr. Stark nodded again.

"And the rest of the chat... Are they like the-"

"Avengers." He finished for me.

I didn't say anything, but when I did, it sure wasn't Frisbee Man approved.


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