| 11 | Explain | 11 |

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 I stood in front of the entrance to the Avengers Tower. How was I supposed to explain my injuries?

Maybe they won't notice.

That wasn't likely.

I can say I got in a fight?

That might work. I mean, sure school is cancelled, but it's New York, so anything could happen.

Yeah. Yeah. I got in a fight. Okay. I can do that.

I was still limping from yesterday, and my body was covered in scars, but I should be fine as long as I don't do anything too suspicious. I had worn a long sleeve shirt, because there was absolutely no way any of my injuries from yesterday were healed, especially since I hadn't gotten any dinner. 

Sighing, I trudged inside the building.

I got a few strange looks from some of the employees, but nobody said anything about it.

When I got into the elevator, I was relieved to see that it was empty. When the elevator began moving, FRIDAY spoke.

"Mr. Parker, it seems you have a large number of injuries, including cuts, whip marks, and cigarette burns all over your body. You also appear to be suffering from a broken leg, malnutrition, and blood loss. Would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?"

"What? No! Nononononono. Do not alert Mr. Stark FRIDAY!"

"I can ask someone to get the medical bay ready for you." FRIDAY suggested.

"No! FRIDAY I'm fine."

"Mr. Parker, in your condition, it is suggested that you seek immediate medical attention."

"I'll go to the hospital after today. Just don't tell anybody."

"Alright Mr. Parker."

"Just call me Peter."

"Sure thing Peter."

When the elevator door opened on the penthouse floor, all the Avengers were scattered throughout the room, goofing off.

Ms. Nat was looking at me, a wary expression in her eyes.

"Hey Pete!" Mr. Stark said, though his smile quickly faded. "Why are you limping?"

"I got in a fight." I said. Honestly, it was a really good lie. Only Ms. Nat, and possibly Mr. Barton would be able to figure out it wasn't the truth.

"FRIDAY scan for injuries." Mr. Stark said.

"What? Mr. Stark that's really not necessary-"

"Shush." Mr. Stark interrupted wearing a stubborn expression. "Just want to make sure you're not dying kid."

I sucked in a deep breath, and prepared to be exposed.

"Mr. Parker seems to have a large number of injuries, including cuts, whip marks, and cigarette burns all over his body. He also appears to be suffering from a broken leg, malnutrition, and blood loss. Would you like me ask someone to prepare med bay?"

"Holy- Yeah. Get med bay ready FRIDAY."

Everyone was looking at me at this point.

"Kid, what happened?"

"Nothing happened Mr. Stark. I'm fine."

"Clearly you're not fine. Did you not just hear the list of injuries? Who did that?"

"No one." I answered stubbornly.

"I thought you got in a fight."

"And I thought you were smart enough to figure out that was a lie by now." 

"Kid. What happened?"

"Peter. You have to tell them." Ms. Nat spoke up. I looked at her, then back at Mr. Stark.

"I can't." I whispered.

"Was it that Flash kid?"


"Was it patrol?"


"Was it your aunt?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't even nod. 

The silence was enough for Mr. Stark though, because I saw his eyes fill with an unmistakable look of fury.

"Take off your shirt kid."


"You heard me."

I sucked in a deep breath, before my shaky hands began to remove my shirt without the consent of my panicking brain.

There was an overwhelming amount of gasps out of everyone in the room, and it wasn't hard to figure out why.

My body was littered in cuts, bruises, and scars. I probably had more than all of the superhero combined.

My advanced healing hadn't really done much since I had barely gotten any food from May. The only time I had really eaten well, was when I would have sleepovers at Ned's house, or when I would come here.

"Kid-" Mr. Stark began.

I couldn't say anything. I was both ashamed and embarrassed. I was ashamed that I hadn't done anything to stop May, and I was embarrassed that I didn't have the courage to do anything about it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"What?" Mr. Stark asked with a shocked expression. Suddenly processing my words, he rushed towards me, embracing me into a hug. "Kid you have no reason to be sorry. This wasn't your fault. None of this was your fault. Do you hear me?"

I nodded, still looking down at the floor. 

"How about we get Helen to take a look at those injuries, then we get you something to eat?" he suggested with a kind look.

I nodded, then followed Mr. Stark out grinning.

~Last chapter of the week! A new one is coming Sunday, so be ready for that!~

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