Chapter 4 - Fox Spirit

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We walk through the open fields without much conversation. Kit takes the lead and I awkwardly follow beside them. I'm not sure how to speak to them, or even if they'd want to speak. However, after a while I finally speak up. "So how long have you been playing the game, Kit? I only started a couple of days ago." They stay silent for a bit, but speak shortly after.

"Four months." They reply, brief as always. I found it odd they've been playing for so long, but have only made it to level twelve.

"That's a pretty long time. Why are you only level twelve then? I figured you'd have made it to level twenty one or twenty two by now." They don't reply immediately, almost like thinking about how to respond then they speak again.

"I took a break from the game." Now I'm beyond curious. Kit is a very mysterious player from what I can gather, which makes them look so badass in my opinion— a little intimidating, but badasses normally are. They deviate from the path through the fields and begin to head for the tree line; it seems they know their way around here, so we walk through the forest together in silence.

I stay vigilant, looking for anything that could sneak up on us, yet Kit continues walking at a normal speed. Are they not worried about an ambush? Maybe they're just that confident in their abilities. Regardless, I know from experience what letting down my guard will get me. We eventually reach a den on the side of a rather large hill. There are Wolves sleeping on rock formations and patrolling the area in front of the den. While observing the scene, I count seven Wolves and a single Dire Wolf.

My heart pounds with anticipation. I look to Kit who has already started to move into position. They signal for me to follow them and I do so after activating Hare's Swiftness to silence my footsteps. I move even quicker than before and get into position, drawing a card as I do so. I turn it over and grimace at the Ace of Spades. Kit looks to me and I hear in my mind "Whenever you're ready." Telepathy, nice!

I sigh and take a breath before throwing the Ace at the nearest Wolf I can see that isn't the Dire Wolf.

1 damage.

I could die of embarrassment right about now, so I don't bother looking to Kit. The Wolf awakens with a yelp and growls, waking the others up. Just then Kit leaps forward and uses a skill. I could faintly make out a blurry shape in the form of a spear in Kit's hands.

They're fast and efficient, impaling one wolf with that invisible spear weapon, before kicking one aside to pierce through different one.

Wolf defeated.
Wolf defeated.
28 XP gained.
Quest Progress: Wolves defeated 2/5

The wolves begin to charge towards them, but I won't let them. I use Mask Transfer to place my marker down in the bushes I'm currently hiding in. A ghostly blue comedy mask appears at my feet and I rush in, drawing a card and throwing it at a wolf.

7 damage.

I toss the dagger into the air and recall the card, my speed improving from the level grinding Magnus and I accomplished. I was able to juggle the card three times and finishing one wolf by running my dagger through its neck.

Wolf defeated.
Wolf defeated.
28 XP gained.
Quest Progress: Wolves defeated 4/5

I take my dagger back from the wolf's neck and turn to see another in midair, his maw open and ready to bite down on me, but Kit quickly reacts and runs their invisible spear through the wolf's maw instead.

Wolf defeated.
14 XP gained.
Quest Progress: Wolves defeated 5/5

With no time to celebrate, Kit and I make quick work of the regular wolves, but we're suddenly charged by two Dire Wolves. Seems like the one from out here went to get a friend. The first one slashes Kit's back and they grunt in pain. The other comes after me and I activate Mask Transfer again before it runs out, leaving a Tragedy mask for it to chew on, while I teleport to where I had placed my marker before.

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