She's Staying

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"EVERYBODY BACK AWAY THE DOCTOR SAID SHE COULD EXPLODE ANY DAY NOW," Stiles yelled as they came back into the house, holding Hope.

"Go into labor any day now, Stiles.  But luckily it was only a false labor," Hope said as she laid herself down on the couch.

"I don't really get it.  How can a woman not tell if a person is going crawl headfirst out of them," Kol said earning a smack upside the head from Davina,"What?" He asked confused as to why his wife hit him.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Hope said groaning as she put her feet up on a ottoman,"Are we going to talk about what happened at the hospital?"

Stiles winced preferring to not talk about it.


"PREGNANT LADY, COMING THROUGH," Stiles yelled at the top of his lunges running into the hospital carrying Hope.

"STILES?" Melissa yelled as he walked in.

"HELLO CAN I GET SOME HELP HERE," Stiles yelled and a gurney was rushed to his side and he laid Hope on it, who was working on her breathing.

"Who's the father?" One of the doctors asked looking at Hope.

"I am," Stiles said, making Melissa's eyes get blown wide open.

"What happened?" 

"She said she was going into labor," Stiles said, looking worriedly at Hope.

Time Skip Still Flashback

"So it was just false labor?" Stiles asked sighing in relief.

"Yes, and it'll be happening more frequently as the due date approaches," The doctor told him.

"Can I see her?" Stiles said.

"Of course, room 38B."

Stiles followed the direction the doctor gave him until he found the room.

"Heyyy there pretty girl," Stiles said as he saw Hope in the hospital bed.

"Hey," Hope said sitting up,"So, only false labor, huh?"

"Yeah," Stiles said sitting on the edge of the bed.

Melissa came barging into the room,"Stiles, what the hell is wrong with you?  First you quit the pack, now you get a girl PREGNANT!"

Stiles shot up from his seat and Hope just looked around awkwardly.

"What do you mean quit the pack?  Scott and the others kicked me out, the only person that stood up for me was Lydia," Stiles informed her angrily.

Melissa backed up a step,"T-That can't be right, Scott said you quit."

"Well then I guess he lied," Stiles said, calming down.

Stiles took several deep breaths, calming his raging heart, he knew none of it was Melissa's fault.

"Let's start over.  Melissa this is Hope, who I accidentally got pregnant almost eight months ago, you may also remember her as Keelin and Freya's niece," Stiles said while gesturing to Hope, and she gave an awkward wave.

"So . . . you got her pregnant.  And you haven't told anyone?"

"Uhh actually my dad knows, Hope's friends from her old school, her family, and Lydia who we were kind of forced to tell," Stiles said rubbing the back of his head.

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