Today I Saw Something

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Today I saw something. Because of the post from @crazyhorsechick11 , I saw a post. A post that made me so upset i wanted to punch something (my anger issues are bad). so it said mostly about saying we/black people aren't human. THEY CALLED US DOGS!! So i commented and long so take your time and read it all please. Thank you.

BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE"RE FUCKING DOGS!! listen to yourself, your just reading this whole thing and believing it no pictures or proof. they called us ugly. what did we even do?? if were so called "ugly" then they gotta deal with it. I LIKE MY NAPPY ASS HAIR. AND YALL BITCHES CAN'T DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!! EVERYONE IS ALWAYS LIKE, "OH NO!!! YOUR SO UGLY BECAUSE YOUR BLACK!! EWWWWW" SHUT THE FUCK UP!! NO ONE NEEDS TO BE TREATED THIS WAY!! WE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS. Everyone is taking this too far. I got a fuckin question, why do you hate us?? Oh wait, don't answer that. I KNOW WHY!! EVERYONE IS JEALOUS!! Y'all want to look just like us but don't know how to fucking say it. So you guys just want to spread rumors, get us killed, and might end up starting a FUCKING WORLD WAR THREE JUST so because you white people are jealous!! I don't understand WHY. JUST BE WHO YOU ALREADY FUCKING ARE. STOP TRYING TO LOOK LIKE US. I added a picture to show what skin bleaching does and that's exactly what's happening. I don't know who but some people are doing this right now. Or they already have. It's not right. That seriously means you just don't want to be yourself and are willing to do anything to fit in. Well, before Coronavirus, guess what? I HAD A WHITE FRIEND. TWO actually and they weren't crazy at all. And before y'all say, "Oh no, well that was before covid so it doesn't count." BUT IT DOES. BECAUSE WAAAAY before covid, like in the 1920's there was this thing called, hm...what was it? Oh yeah, SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION. And that is VERY similar to 2020 and 2021, and I know some of y'all don't want to be reminded of 2020 but guess what?? If we don't fix 2021, It's gonna be the same thing like 2020. maybe worse but at least we got a good president. unlike some president's i know, but i'm not going into politics right now. anyway, i'm in virtual class (because my parents are smart and won't send me to real school because i might catch corona) so i need to get going. YEAH I'M A FUCKING 11 YR OLD AND I MADE THIS FAT ASS PARAGRAPH AND Y'ALL BETTER HAVE READ IT. And to all the fucking perverts and pedos don't fucking try meh bitches!! i won't all for your tricks like, "Oh, I just want to help with your school work, so can i have your address????" Naw bitch. I am not stupid. But anyways, to conclude this paragraph of information, LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE BECAUSE SOON I'M GONNA START A RIOT. Ima get people to join me. SAYONARA BITCHES!!!


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(skin bleaching)

sooo um excuse the language but i do hope people see this and react because if they do ima get maddddd. (and cuss some more)

anyways, if you have ANY questions, don't be scared to ask them. I will try to answer them the best i can.

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