Chapter Fourteen

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"Okay, here's what we can do."

            My eyes turned to Noah, who was sitting on the floor against the couch in my basement. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he rested his head on them. Rian was sitting on the couch next to him, tapping the top of Noah's head with his finger. Chloe was next to him, followed by Luke. Colton and Brendon were seated on the love seat to my right. Everyone looked deep in thought.

            "What's your idea, Noah?" I asked when no one else responded.

            "Okay, so let's spread all over Facebook and Twitter that you and I broke up," he suggested. "That way it's not like you will be cheating on me."

            Rian snorted. "So she can be called a whore for switching to me so quickly?"

            "Look," Noah started, turning his head to scowl at Rian. "At least I'm putting ideas out there!"

            "This wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for you!"

            "I could say the same for you! You shouldn't be hitting on someone else's girlfriend!"

            "She's not your girlfriend!"

            Chloe dropped her head in her hands, letting out a frustrated sigh. "You guys just shut up! Arguing isn't going to help anything!"

            Noah looked at her, offended. "But—"

            "No buts," Brendon interjected. "Listen. It's only a magazine. You're not supposed to read what the paparazzi have to say anyway. Maybe no one will care."

            Rian shook his head. "You should know more than anyone that there will be people who care. And said people will attack Iris and blame it all on her because they probably won't want to blame us."

            I pulled my knees up to my chest, mimicking Noah. "So basically I'm going to be considered a tramp anyway. There goes my reputation."

            "No, Iris, well think of something," Luke promised. "We'll use Noah's idea—"

            "That's a stupid idea!" Rian protested, giving Luke an annoyed look. "That won't solve anything!"

            Luke rolled his eyes at him. "Shut up and let me finish. We'll use Noah's idea about using Facebook and Twitter."

            Rian raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's different," he said sarcastically.

            "Not saying Noah and Iris broke up," Luke continued, ignoring Rian. "If Rian tells them what really happened before the magazine comes out, then no one will believe it."

            "But there's still those people that don't Twitter or Facebook," Colton pointed out.

            Luke made a face. "I know that, but it's better than nothing."

            Silence fell through the room again as everyone returned to thinking. A small sigh left my lips as I pulled my knees tighter to my chest. I should have guessed something like this was going to happen. How had I let myself forgot Rian was part of Gold. And Gold was famous. Now everyone was going to think I cheated on Noah with Rian.

            Noah caught my eye, giving me an apologetic look. I turned away from him quickly. There was no reason for me to be mad at him— this was completely my fault. But I still felt resentment towards him.

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