Chapter Twenty

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March brought a little snow, and a little sunshine. Gold spent more time with my brother than me, which was both good and bad. Good, because it made me focus on my schoolwork more, and bad, because I didn’t get to hang out with them as much. Rian did call every night he was away though, keeping me updated about the upcoming single. He wouldn’t divulge anything about it though. Only that it’d been completed, and they were setting the release date for March sixteenth, which was one week away.

            Needless to say, the morning they released the date to the public, the school was all abuzz about it. Finally shifting the attention away from the fact Rian and I were dating. It was amazing how long people kept talking about the same subject— it’d already been a week since I’d announced it. But from the moment Gold and I stepped through the main entrance, that’s all everyone was talking about. Rian seemed oblivious, yapping to me about his love for my brother when I met him by the gates. I still couldn’t decide if I thought his infatuation was cute or disturbing. But I was only half-focused on him, too busy being distracted by the rumors going on around us.

            “Oh my god! Gold’s new single is coming out in two weeks!”

            “I heard it’s going to be a love song!”

            “I heard it’s going to be an instrumental!”

            “No! An opera!”

            “I heard there’s going to be a romantic duet between Rian and Brendon!”

            “That would be hot.”

            “There’s Gold now! Let’s ask them! Rian!”

            Rian caught on now, his ears perking up at the mention of his name. I watched some sophomore girls by their lockers look at him with devilish expressions. Noah faltered a step back, forcing me to stand in front of him. I rolled my eyes at his action, but I couldn’t blame him. Sometimes their fans could be scary.

              One girl with dyed blue hair moved forward, a determined look on her face. Rian stopped short, causing me to run into his back.

            “Hi Rian, I’m Rebecca,” she greeted cheerfully. “I have a question for you.”            “Sure!” he responded enthusiastically.

            Rebecca smiled widely. “It’s about your single with C.S.”

            “That, my dear fan, is a secret right now,” he responded wagging his finger. “You’ll have to sit and wait like the rest of the world.”

            She pouted. “That’s not fair!”

            “Yes it is, because there are people I don’t go to school with who can’t ask me about it,” he pointed out. “It’ll ruin the surprise.”

            “I’m an impatient person.”

            “I’m not telling.”

            Rebecca narrowed her eyes. “Not even one little rumor? Luke, Noah?”

            Luke scratched the back of his head. “Well…”

            “Well what?” she breathed, her eyes growing as wide as saucers.

            “It’s not going to be an opera.”

            Her expression fell and I resisted the urge to laugh. Who even thought of those rumors? I made a face. Well, it could have been true. Brendon used to sing opera all the time.

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