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Yasir and Khushi's Love Story.
Part 1

Let's take a trip to the to the past, shall we?


Meekly but with hurried steps Yasir followed the tall, buffed up man in front of him. For the past few months, he had been living on the railway station and wandering on the streets.

Since then, the 15 yr old Yasir's had been running around pickpocketing or stealing because he had no one to look after him, or to earn for him. Neither was he capable of doing anything as no one could bear his bad temper ....until....he made a mistake to steal from This Man. And now, he was bringing him to his house. Yasir was sure he was going to die today. Although, it would be better than to live like trash on the street.


Yasir flinched as the man's voice echoed throughout the empty hall and within a minute a young boy seemingly in his early 20s walked up to them. That boy had a strong resemblance to the man as if looking at the man's younger version. He looked tough too and with huge biceps making him look older but his face gave out his age. He had brown eyes just like the man but they seemed....softer....human.

That man pushed Yasir towards the boy.
"I brought this boy with me. Train him under you. He seems useful." The man ordered.

The man didn't seem like some local gangster to him. He looked like a Don like in movies. Also, he had a huge house and armed guards outside and even inside.

Rehan looked at Yasir from top to bottom without giving anything away.
"Ok." He just said and turned to his heels. Yasir didn't know what to do so he followed him sheepishly.

They reached the backyard and Yasir's widened eyes roamed around. It was huge and there were a few buffed men around, watching him.

Rehan looked at the men and gestured towards Yasir with his eyes and before Yasir could even comprehend the situation, a sharp punch landed on his stomach knocking the air out of his lungs. He stumbled back on the impact but maintained himself on his feet. After taking a couple seconds to regain his composure, he looked up to see another man grinning at him before landing another punch on his face.

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