chapter sixteen

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Muffled voices from downstairs woke me up. I heard my dad's voice, but I couldn't recognize the other voice. I was confused about who would be talking with him until I rolled over and saw my book laying on the side table.


He must have heard my dad come home and went downstairs without waking me to talk to him. I slowly got up and walked over to my door and opened it ever so slightly to try and hear what they were saying.

"I knew I should have stayed home today," my dad said. "I didn't wanna leave her alone, but I knew she would just want to be by herself."

"How could you have known, Mr. Hewitt?" Jasper said, trying to comfort him. I didn't want to make my dad feel bad, but I also didn't want to force him to stay home with me when I was just going to be laying in bed. "Violet can be hard to read."

Although Jasper said I was hard to read, I knew he could read me like a book. I could trick most people into thinking I was fine but not him. He just knew. I even tricked my dad into thinking I was fine, and he has known me all my life.

"How has she been today?" my dad asked. "It seems that it's gotten worse since moving here. It was pretty selfish of me, but I thought that a change could be good for her. She's been really happy . . . until she's not."

"It was a rough morning, but she slept most of the day. I think she's worn out from everything."

"That's it," my dad said suddenly. "I'm gonna tell them I can't pick up the extra shift tonight."

"I can stay with her," Jasper said. "I know they probably need you at the police station, otherwise they wouldn't be asking you to pick this shift up. Either way, Violet will probably be sleeping most of the time. I'll keep an eye on her, sir. I promise."

My dad paused for a second contemplating the idea. I haven't told him much about Jasper, but he knows that I have a good group of friends.

After a moment, my dad let out a sigh. "Here's my phone number. If you need anything, don't hesitate to text or call. I'll try and see if someone could pick up half of the shift, so I can get home sooner."

"No problem, sir," Jasper said. "Don't stress too much about it. I'll make sure she's okay."

I heard my dad open the front door. He paused there for a second. "Thank you for watching over my little girl. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"I would do anything for her, sir. She's . . . something else."

My dad laughed a little and then shut the door. I heard Jasper's footsteps come up the stairs.

I tried to shut the door again, so he wouldn't know I was listening in. The door caught on a hand, and I knew I was busted. My eyes slowly drifted up to find his through the crack in the door.

"Caught ya," he said in almost a whisper. He slowly pushed the door open and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. "I didn't think you'd wake up. You were out cold when I heard your dad come home. I figured I better introduce myself."

"Thanks for telling him to not call into work," I said, jumping to what was on my mind. "He worries a little too much about me sometimes."

I looked down at the floor.

"Hey," Jasper said as his hands caressed my cheeks. "He just cares about you, Vi. We all do."

My eyes started to tear up. I know that I have people around me that care about me, but some part of my brain tricks me into thinking they all hate me or think that I'm a burden. It's nice to hear someone say it.

"Oh no," Jasper worriedly said. "I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to cheer you up a little. I know it's been a rough few days. I'm so sorry. I'm probably just making it worse."

"No, Jas," I said quietly. A stray tear fell down my face. "You say the perfect things. I just . . . forget. I know my dad loves me, and you guys are literally the best friends I could ask for. I don't know. I just forget."

"Vi," Jasper said as he wiped my falling tears. "We care about you, and if you need a reminder of that, then that's just what we'll have to do."

Instead of responding, I pulled him in for a hug. How can Jasper say the most perfect things?

After a couple of sniffles, I pulled away and looked at him.

Perfect. Just perfect.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper asked like he really wanted to know.

"A little better," I said. I knew it would take a little bit for my brain to be in order after skipping a few days of medicine, but it was a start. "I don't know I just feel a little drained and numb."

"That's completely understandable. You've been through a lot. How about we find something for dinner and then read a little more of our book? And if you fall asleep five minutes into reading it, so be it." Jasper teased.

It put a small smile on my face. "Sounds perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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