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I like this one. It really brings out the color of your eyes."

Blisse, Rhea, and Amelia stood in the middle of the store browsing through numerous dresses. The ball was less than 24 hours away, and she'd rather die than attend but she needed to see this Ruvim guy in person. They haven't met yet and he was already causing trouble in her mafia. He had spies stationed in Brazil. It was a good thing Eloa knew they were out of place before things turned deadly.

Luiza made sure to stay away from the mansion, however, she wouldn't stop calling Blisse. And when Blisse didn't answer, she spammed Faron or Jacinto. Whenever they answered, she would always try to set up a time to meet with Blisse, but Blisse never agreed, seeing as she was only going to defend Ruvim's actions whenever he was brought up.

Jacinto, who volunteered to accompany them, ran a hand through his hair and checked his phone. He hated shopping as much as Blisse did. "Any finds yet? I'm getting bored."

"How about this one?" Amela exclaimed with happiness. An elegant red dress laid proudly in her arms. A slit ran down the right side of it. It was loose and flowy, allowing her to move easily but thick enough for her to hide her dagger.

"Please tell me you're taking that one. I can't stand to be here anymore," Jacinto begged.

A ring sounded from his phone, indicating a phone call.


Blisse checked the time on her phone. Two more hours before the ball. Why did she wait to go dress shopping at the last minute? Quickly paying for the dress, she followed the group outside to the limo. Jacinto opened the door for them but paused his stance when he looked behind Blisse.

She held up her hand, silencing Jacinto who was about to speak to her. "I know. I'll handle it."

And just as she suspected, a man stood behind her dressed in all black, but the gold, Russian symbol stood out. His face was uncovered. His pale skin glowed in the evening daylight. He made no move towards her, but he did drop at note where he was standing. Looking from the ground to her, he did a double take. She wasn't in front of him anymore.

Where did she go?

"Such a beautiful face," a voice whispered in his ear. "I'd hate to see it destroyed."

A stab to his side brought him out of his hypnosis. He grunted and fell down, but latched onto a leg. Hers. The Brazillian mafia boss stood over him, dressed as an angel of death with her favorite dagger covered in his blood. He was finished.

"I guess I'll leave one of you alive. Do you mind sending him a message?" she demanded.

She crouched to his level and blew a few strands of hair out of his face so she knew he was staring into her eyes.

"Tell Ruvim he's messing with the wrong person. I don't make empty threats; I won't hesitate to put a bullet into his head, so if he knows what's best for him he should stay out of my way."

She granted him an evil smirk.

"From yours truly."


"I heard this ball will truly be unforgettable."

"Yes, I agree. I heard that the Brazillian mafia boss is attending this year. And that young Russian billionaire."

"So many surprises. I hope to get at least one of them in my bed tonight."

"Me too. I don't even care if I'm married."

"Hell, I'll even have my wife take turns with that piece of beauty."

Voices echoed around them as Blisse and Konstantin stepped out of the limo in extravagant attire. They were matching. Konstantin looked handsome as ever in his black suit with a matching red tie. His jet-black hair slicked back, giving his eyes more attention. He walked arm in arm with Blisse by his side. Both of their heads raised high.

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