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So the day was still going on. The two princes were both deep in thought, knowing they wouldn't be able to meet. It was terrifying to think that the other would be there for hours. Only if he knew there'd always be the next day when they'd be able to see each other.

Taehyung was getting ready for the Nature Kingdom's upcoming guests. The prince and princess were also planning to attend, which meant that the ethereal-beauty boy would have to meet more people. If you knew him well, he was an introverted person.

He was quiet and shy, never raised his voice, and preferred to be alone, but not because he was afraid of people. He was afraid of being rejected, of being alone. He knew that losing someone, even a friend, would break him. It will hurt the most to be abandoned by someone you've been talking about, laughing with, and spending time with.

Another reason Taehyung feared having Jeongguk as a friend. It wasn't because the older person was rude or arrogant. It was because Taehyung was unworthy of anyone's friendship. At least, that's what he assumed.

He could only hope to be a better person for Jeongguk.

He took a deep breath and looked at the royal family, who were arriving with beautiful and well-dressed carriets.

The first person to step outside appeared grumpy, with blonde hair and green eyes. He had a calm smile that could easily warm your heart.

The princess, Park Jimin's younger sister, stood on the ground in high heels. Park Jisoo was her name. Taehyung had only heard good things about her. She was more than a princess. She was a warrior. She was a well-known archer, so she was a more irritable character. She had to act like a royal once more.

On the other hand, despite being from nature, they both had the power to control the life of nature. Jimin was the same type as Taehyung. The only difference was that he was bigger and stronger. He was handsome, and Taehyung was lovely.

The king and queen exchanged greetings. As a result, the day had only just begun.


''Jeongguk, just calm down!'' exclaimed his younger brother baek.

''Oh, it's very easy for you to tell! You will not have an engaged marriage! How do you expect me to react when my parents start choosing candidates today!?'' he threw his hands in the air and made a few mimics.

''You are correct, I will not be the future King, but you burned my book! I was focused on the plot twist!'' Baek threw the burned paper on the floor, furious at him.

''Oh, about that,'' he sighed, looking at the now-missing book. He had no idea they were arguing about it. His thoughts were in the clouds. ''..Sorry?''

''You'll'sorry' me later, now we'll have from those deep talks,'' he teased, throwing away the stuff on Jungkook's bed to make room to sit, ''Since when are you so untidy?''

''Seriously?'' he asked, bored, and forced himself to sit next to the younger sibling, knowing he would irritate him even more if he didn't.

''I'm kidding, hyung! So we'll play terapist and, and the one who answers the questions!'' Baek grabbed a random piece of paper and pretended to be smart.

''You should read more books, your vocabulary is terrible, you know?''

''You burned my book!'' pouted at him ''Anyway, hmm, where we should begin. What had gotten into you, Jeon Jeongguk?''

''Baek, this is stupid...'' sighed Jungkook, looking at his brother's purplish eyes. ''I asked a question,'' he hmm'ed.

''I am furious because I will be forced to marry.''


''and?'' he asked, puzzled, thinking of something else. ''and that I don't even know my sexuality, my family is forcing me to do something against my will..''


''um, I-i I don't want to..marry..some random girl,'' he says.

''So it's all about gender?''

''w-what..I-i...uh...'' he paused and resumed.''I'm not sure, baek..''All I want to do is leave the palace, get out of here.''

''Then do it, Jeongguk. Do whatever your mind tells you. only you can control your anger. I don't want you to burn another book of mine.''

''I-i can't..dad will-'' Baek cut him off ''I will cover you.''

''You will?''

''Correct, go now. I need to think of a pla-''

''Thank you, thank you! But..what bout Hwasa..? She will suspect me.''

''Hwasa is with Haru now'' he tottaly forgot for a second his older cousin -- Hwasa has came together with her mother to see his father. haru was the middle child.


If you could put it that way, Jimin and Taehyung were having a very relaxing conversation. Jimin was telling him stories about their kingdom, and how lovely it is. When he learned about Taehyung's forest and his ability to control ice, he became enthralled. Jimin spoke the majority of the time. It is obvious who will talk more, an extrovert or an introvert.

Jimin was trying his best to comfort the younger, since he saw how shy he was and closed ''Taehyung-sshi, I will be grateful if you pay me a visit some time, I could show you many beautiful places there. You'd love it there!''

''It sounds pretty irritating, hyung! I am sorry to tell you there's not a big chance I could. I don't usually leave the kingdom'' he lied. taehyung lied. he never leaves the Kingdom. not since he was a teenager. I haven't seen the other kingdoms from such a long time. only the forest was allowed.

''I will find a way, nobody can't decline the chance to see the Marwey Lake, it is near the century trees, you know them?''

''I have read about them and before. they are two. at the east and at the west side of the natural kingdom, right? they are so big you can't see it from the ground very clearly. there live thousands of pixes and fairies?''

''I see you love reading stories? It's a good thing. but taehyung-sshi, I can see in your stare that you don't really want to stay here, hm?''

''What? oh, I am sorry about that. I guess I just zoned out. It won't last long until your parents say they will take their leave. I am thinking about what I should do when you leave. It's really nice to talk to you honestly'' he smiled at him with which jimin giggled. taehyung looked so cute in his eyes.

''Why don't you take a walk around the palace? It's really beautiful here. I am mesmerized. You should go to your infamous forest, taehyung-sshi!'' and with this, they talk was interrupted by a maid that knocked on the door to unform the pink-haired prince it is time for them to leave.


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