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The entire beach was packed

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The entire beach was packed.

And I mean packed.

There was a large crowd gathered around this ginormous tent which was pitched a couple hundred feet from the edge of the ocean. It looked like hundreds had gathered and were enjoying the live band that played on stage as the music carried across the beach. The crowd all looked to be dressed in the same colored clothes and hats, but we weren't close enough to see what the design was.

"Is this... is this the right place?" Christen whispered to me as we drew nearer.

That was when we could finally make out what everyone was wearing. They were in bright yellow t-shirts that had a large hotdog picture on the front with the words Annual Hotdog Eating Contest on them. Some even had a matching hotdog hat to go with it.

"I would say so, yeah." I whispered back.

All any of us could do was stare.

From the looks of things, I wasn't too sure we would even find a good spot to cheer Derek on.

"This is- wow." Joan commented when her and Brad caught up to us. "I did not expect this." We had gathered in as close as we could possibly get to the stage, but even through that, I had to stand on my tippy toes to catch a glimpse of the main event.

"I didn't think it was going to be this big of a deal." Brad added. "Should we find a place to get these shirts everyone's wearing?"

"I think that sounds like a cool idea." I nodded.

Joan and Christian stared over at Brad and I like we just agreed to go sacrifice a puppy.

"Do you know how long it took me to find the most perfect dress? This," she waved her hands vigorously around the gorgeous floral print, "will not be covered up by that." She jerked her thumb over at another tent nearby that was selling the printed shirts and hats.

"I'm with Joan on this one. I just rather die before being seen in something like that." Christian jumped in.
Brad and I gave them both a look, yet decided we would remain here in our commoner clothing for the sake of time. The line at the tent was growing longer and longer as more people arrived on the beach.

I wasn't sure why, but I was a little bummed about not getting a shirt. However ridiculous they looked, they would have made a nice souvenir for the trip.

There wasn't much time to dwell on that though, because seconds later, someone took to the stage.

"Welcome to the Ninth Annual Hotdog Eating Competition. I just want to thank everyone who's come out in support this year, and thank you to all the artists that have come up to perform. Without further ado, let's get this competition started!"

I had to bob my head a little to see better, but it looked like the contestants had started to line up in front of a table. All I could see were the tops of the piles of hotdogs that were stacked.

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