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Sorry for the late upload! I meant to drop this yesterday, then I took a nap and didn't wake up till the next morning, so now we're here.


It was safe to say the rest of the week went by faster than Charlie Sheen could say winning after 3 lines of coke

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It was safe to say the rest of the week went by faster than Charlie Sheen could say winning after 3 lines of coke.

Christian did his best to hold the fort down. We spoke briefly about the nondisclosure agreement his mother apparently had us all sign, and by us, that would be: Me, Derek, and Joan. Christian said Anna was going to nullify the agreement, and I'd have nothing to worry about. That felt like weight lifted off my shoulders considering I didn't even have the money listed in the disclosure, if Ivanov Corp decided to sue me.

I mean, my most prized possession would have to be my rock collection I started in the third grade.

Something told me that wouldn't prove to be of much value to the Ivanov's.

Anna didn't stop by again for the rest of this week, and neither did John. I guess that made for a more peaceful workflow on my end. I did my best to keep up with Christian as he flew me through what the rest of the year was set to look like. With the Mavericks deal, our estimated total revenue was destined for a great increase. This meant money for funding on expansive projects, and smaller setbacks. It also meant the Ivanov's would be getting even richer than they already were.

Crunch time for the Mavericks launch was getting real. By the time Friday rolled around, it was pretty clear I was going to have to come in over the weekend to complete the work. Christian was in and out of meetings for most of the day, so unfortunately I wasn't able to see him much. He finally settled back at his desk around four in the afternoon.

"How were the calls?" He asked me, entering my office looking as crisp as he did this morning. Instead of his usual suit jacket, he opted in for a vest today, and I literally had to stop myself from drooling. He did that thing where he would curl his bottom lip in to nibble on it nervously. My eyes zeroed in on those lips.

When was the last time I kissed those lips? Felt like an eternity.

If we hadn't been in a work setting, I probably would of demanded he get naked right here right now.

"The calls were good." I replied, doing my best to repress my horniness. Christian had a smirk playing on his lips when he noticed I was shamelessly checking him out. "I was able to work out most of the minor issues with Marketing."

"That's good. Hows the workload looking?" He questioned, as he took a seat in one of my visitor chairs across from me.

"Lengthy but manageable. I think I'll come in for a few hours tomorrow to get the rest of the work done." I explained.

"That's good." He gave me another nod. "John reached out this morning. He's on another business trip right now so we didn't have much time to work out the details, but he wanted us to come out and meet some other promising partners next week."

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