Hanging out with my family

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Nyx's POV

3 years later...

"Ethan, ETHAN get your stupid as...butt down here now!!!" I shouted at my him. Why was I mad? Well it was because he put me on teenage training duty! Those smelly, ungrateful idiots never respected me. They were a sexist bunch and thought that I was weak just because I don't show my aura and I am a girl. "What?" He tried to inquire innocently but I wasn't having it. "Don't what me? You know perfectly well what you did."
"Fine!" He laughed out loud, "come on, you know the look on you or face is priceless." I glared at him, suddenly I smirked and felt my power swirl around me. Ethan screamed like a little girl and ran away screaming, "Sharon,SHARON! Save me from this monster help please!"(Sharon was his mate) Sharon popped her head through the doorframe, saw me chasing after Ethan and shut the door with a firm click. She yelled through the door, "I am not risking my baby's life to go out there, bye Ethan it was nice knowing you."

"No, no, Sharon, don't leave me here!" But it was too late I caught up with Ethan and I started to tickle him. "No, no stop please, not the tickle monster!" Just then Cody rounded the corner to see what the commotion was all about. When he saw me tickling Ethan he joined in. After awhile Sharon cautiously stepped outside her safe haven to find that the whole room was in shambles. Smashed flower pots and cracked cups were all on the floor. "Nyx SilverStar, clean this map up this instant!" I hung my head, embarrassed. "Fine, fine I would clean it up geez." I waved my hand carelessly and everything was put back in place immediately. "See everything could just be fixed like that, I don't know why you are so annoyed at this mess." I questioned her but I knew the answer already. She fixed me with a glare and took off her slipper and started to chase me around with it. " AHHHHHHH! I am so sorry, I forgot that you had OCD" I pretended to scream as Sharon chased me around the room.

We spent the whole afternoon chasing each other around the house. When everyone later went to bed to sleep, I lay on my bed thinking, 'this was my family, no matter how much we annoy each other, I would kill for them and I will keep them safe from any harm that comes our way. I VOW it.'

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