Your new Alpha

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3 years after that...

Nyx's POV

I had just completed another of my assignments, I was to assassinate an Elf Prince. He was stealing humans and experimenting on them. It was quite easy for me of course. I was called the Reaper. My signature mark on my victims was always an infinity symbol. It was to show them that I always hit my mark. "Nyx why were you so late? I told you to be here hours ago and look at you! Typical you, even late to your own Alpha ceremony." yelled Sharon as she pulled me to a chair and started doing my make up and hair. She had given birth to a beautiful little boy called Dean. The reason that Sharon said something about an Alpha ceremony was that Ethan had given up the position from the stress of having to look after his mate and child everyday because something was trying to kill them. Of course I had hunted it down and ended it's life but the master-mind behind this was nowhere to be found. He also had given up the position because he had held the position for 500 years and wants to have a well deserved break with his family, so he had given it to me, as the infamous reaper and his Beta. He had given the Beta position to me after Cole had decided to take a break and search for his mate. Cody on the other hand, was still the pack Delta and was as annoying as ever.

'You never change do you Nyx.' Celeste asked me breaking me out of my thoughts. 'Nope' I answered her.
'Well come on, its time for you to take the title of Alpha.' Luna encouraged.
'But what if I am not a good Alpha? The best I am at is killing and that's it.'
'Listen to me Nyx, you would be a great Alpha and besides you have us remember silly?' Said Celeste.
'Ok,' I took a deep breath stabilising myself, 'you are the best assassin in the world, you are the Reaper, you are about to become the Alpha of the strongest werewolf pack in the world and on top of all that you are a wolf/angel hybrid with the best wolf and angel that anyone can have.' I internally ranted in my head. I immediately calmed down.
'Yasssss! You go girl, now go and show them who's Alpha.' Celeste said excitingly. After appreciating myself in the mirror, with my silver hair and turquoise highlights and ever-changing eye colours perfectly paired with a silver dress that hugged my curves perfectly, I looked like a Alpha, and a very powerful one. Right now my eyes were a piercing grey, which meant that I was calm. After thanking Sharon I teleported to the Alpha ceremony using the shadows.

Everyone was already there. Oops, I feel a little bad for making everyone wait, oh well. Oh never mind, not everyone's here yet, Ethan, Cole and Cody hasn't arrived as well. I stayed hidden in the shadows, when Ethan finally makes an appearance, I step out behind him. "Excuse me, Mr Alpha but I presume you want to get on with the ceremony?" I asked in an innocent voice. Ethan jumped in the air but fixed his tie and replied "of course Ms SilverStar," he replied with a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Where is Cole and Cody?" I asked.
"They are coming." Was all Ethan replied.
"Why is everyone late these days?" I inquired. Technically I was late as well but he doesn't know that.
'Just tell him to get on with the ceremony! I can't wait! I am going to be an Alpha, going to be an Alpha!' Celeste said with joy as she flew around my head. Luna however on the other hand was strangely silent. 'Hey Luna, everything ok?' I asked gently. 'Huh? Oh nothing. It's just that everyone has got a mate and ours rejected us. We also haven't met our second chance mate so I am a bit worried that we would be alone forever.' Luna confessed. I sighed as well. We had met up with every wolf who's mate has either died or rejected them but we had no luck. Celeste finally stopped flying around my head to say, 'Awww, come on, now don't ruin the fun! This is a significant event in our life. Don't act so glum and ruin it. This is a night to celebrate, not to think about sad thoughts.' With that said, she continued to prance around in my head. I took a deep breath, Celeste is right. 'I will not allow these thoughts in my head.' With that, I nodded to Ethan, Cole and Cody when they finally arrived to continue on with the ceremony.

'Do you, Nyx SilverStar accept the position of Alpha?' Ethan asked as a blinding silver light began to coil around his hand.
'I do.' As I said that, the silver light began to crawl up my arm.
'Would you protect the pack even at the cost of your own life?'
'I will.' The silver light began to grow larger and coil around my body.
'Will you attend pack meetings even though you think that they are boring and a waste of time?' Ethan said jokingly as the silver light by then nearly covered my whole body.
'I would' I replied as the world faded away and only the silver light remained.

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