04.) Who was He?

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'We finally did it, we finally found him.' I hear Arlo saying, a tall man with a rather inquisitive nature. He was quirky, and almost always had a smile on his face. He had blonde hair and a full beard and he was a close friend. He found this little hole-in-the-wall place. "So this is where he came from?" I say looking around the house, 'This is where he was conceived also. He was born twice here once when his mother and her negro fornicated and once when he watched his wife get raped.' I think about what he says, and this is the truth of the matter. He has been a primary target of interest for a few months now.

A negro rising to be the Queen's son. This is Lilith's child, he is the ninth prince. At least we know why she went on her hiatus I say looking around. The house has been cleaned and maintained by a local cleaning agency. This house was modest and quite shocking. The queen left everything to live with another human being, in a sense this showed us that even the mighty have moments of humanity.

'Aaron, what's on your mind?' I hear my name being called, pulling me from my thoughts. I take a minute to find the words as I then say, "We at least know who he was before his ascension." I say this while rubbing the stubble on my face. 'Our clan could prosper knowing his second wife.' Arlo is always with his head up his ass I doubt that was something that could happen. "The whole reason we're here is, to investigate who the ninth prince is. Get your head out of the clouds Arlo. " I see his face melt into disappointment.

"Brother we have what we need is time to go. We know who they are now that's the important part." As we leave the house, we get to the car. There is a police officer on the radio and I take a deep sigh, it seems like we're going to have to exit swiftly. Arlo gets into the car and starts driving off. I run in the opposite direction towards the police car, you'll be forced to turn around. 'Hey stop, I'm warning you to stop right there.' I keep running, as he gets into the car. I begin to dig in deep in run faster, and I outrun the car. I run towards a dead end I hear a siren coming closer. I turn to the right as I see a door and I break the lock open. I open the door covering my tracks, I then begin to jump, making my way over the fence.

Hopefully, this doesn't attract the attention of the vampires. Hopefully, they think it's just a standard break-in, there's not much I can do if we're found out. I just don't want it to be taken as a point of hostility.


'Of all the dumbass things you two could do.' I hear her yelling, and ready to rip me a new one. "At least we lost him--" 'I don't care that you lost the police officer you should have just gathered information and left.' We were only there for a few minutes I thought to myself with that too long? 'It's bad enough we lost good wolves that day and it's bad enough we're not even at half our fighting strength. The least you two idiots could do is not get us an even deeper shit.' She's making it seem like it's my fault Hans took out our partner. It doesn't help that most of the survivors integrated into Anastasia's pack. Prompting this entire investigation of his bodyguard I think I think of the term very loosely. What does a vampire a royal vampire need a fucking bodyguard for? 'bring your asses back to Texas, do you hear me Aaron I want your ass back to Texas pronto.'


I hang up the phone already stressed out. Ever since my father died 10 years ago it's been nothing but bullshit. I don't even know why he chose me to be an Alpha. Aaron was built for this, he was even the one who suggested looking into everything. Had he not proposed the idea wouldn't have known what to do, it was a good thing to have him as my lover and as my husband.

Only one clan survived, it was Joseph. The mad bastard took his clan and left, he said something about the vampire he met and told him to take his clan and leave. He gave the information to the others and told them to do what they liked. We called him a coward he was the one with common sense. The war that was waged in Alaska did not last long it only lasted hours. It was not surprising, it was how vampires fought against each other. They used brutality and were not above using human shields. However, this has proven that only Hans's Faction attacked him, the Sons of Lucifer are out of the picture. Hans's faction has gone silent since that battle in Antarctica.

I take time making mental notes, I have to call a few people and figure out what happened to them. The sons of Lucifer are still present, but they remain out of sight and mind. The queen has proven that she is the only legitimate faction. She does not hide in the shadows, and she manages to control Hans's faction and the sons of Lucifer's faction with her presence alone. All vampires born are made to be known to the Royal Crown. Anyone unknown well they may as well be a dead man.

Queen Lilith established herself as the dominant voice for the vampire kind. She, her children, and her Nobles run and manage the vampire world. A kingdom that has been around for as long as kingdoms could be around. Hers is not the first, but it has seen many kingdoms rise and fall. Though that is not my focus, my focus is her 9th son. The brightest knight. It is said that he rallied his siblings against a truly, Immortal Madman. It is said that he also stopped that same man, and it was only a few years of being a vampire. Who is this Prince? Where did he come from? I have the answer to the first, I have the answer to the second question also. The problem is there is more to him, I want to know who he is.

What began as a way to keep my pack under control is now a creeping curiosity. Werewolves are so stubborn, we never went out of our way to establish better relations with the other factions we lived in secrecy and now the entire balance of power has been changed. Vampires are a bigger threat than before, and the queen well no one knows what she can do. I have a nagging feeling that the more we get to know of this 9th son the more we'll know about her the more we'll know about them.

End of Chapter 4: Who Was He

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