41.) Errands To Run

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Diary Entry #1:

I talked to the girl and I converted her to my side. It took little convincing on my part but I did have to quell any need of betrayal in her mind. I had used plenty of my energy in the ensuing battle and I still managed to save her life.

'What are you doing?' Her eyes widened in fear as I unleashed the full brunt of my reserves. As she realized something that I was more powerful than the legendary heroes, she may think she can kill them but she knows I'll kill her. 'How are you so much more powerful than, then?' "It's not important but I will make it worth your while. If you serve me, I will help you restore your family, I will help you restore everything you lost but you must obey and follow every order without question. If you want to live, I recommend you do not go anywhere without telling Liemaz."

'So, I'm a prisoner is what you're saying?' "No, you're wanted in many states and countries for your rare abilities. If someone finds out you survived, they will have no problem, returning you to Monthero for whatever feeble award he has to offer and if Monthero catches you, what do you think he's going to do to you when he figures out you're still alive, Veronica? Before he even gets to you, Liemaz will decapitate you. You won't tell anyone of your little indiscretion, now will you?"

'I understand, but I have to ask. Are you from Montheria?' I smile as  I say, "No, but I am Monthero's worst nightmare." 'I understand. I pledge my loyalty to you, Judas.' I smile as I say, "Good." With one flick of my finger, I gave her more than half of my energy, it was more than enough for her body to take but it would also allow her to heal her body even further.

As she realized her magic reserves were back, she looked at me. Her eyes focused and I saw it for a moment, she wanted to attack me but at that moment, she realized it would be futile. As she realized that, I got ready to leave. "Liemaz," 'Yes, Apollos?' She says in a sultry voice. Wait, why did she use my real name? 'I think the young lady should have another name to call you other than Judas.' "Fine. I'll allow it." It's then that I hand her, her sword back and what was left of her other clothing.

'You saved them.' "Yes, I did. There was no reason to dispose of such high-quality gear though you will need to have a lot of it repaired. Liemaz, escort her away from the premises." Afterward, I made my way to talk to the others, giving them rousing words to fight better because I don't want to die, trying to fulfill a fool's errand and they'll have to improve especially if they want to survive.

From what I've learned from scouring that girl's mind while she was asleep, these demon lords are more powerful. They're not even demon generals, the power they obtain is far beyond what we know but Monthero also went out of his way to silence her. Why did he want to keep her quiet? I'd have to worry about it in my next sleep. For now, I must prepare for the events in the real world.

End of Diary Entry #1

As I closed my book, I had taken notes on various individuals but this book was mostly used for combat information. I kept any real information hidden with Jeane and Anton, the two seemed to love each other greatly and that love helped me out because I knew they'd never betray one another.

'Gah,' I hear my baby boy. As I held him, it was clear he had been taking a nap. Anastasia told me that I had been asleep for 24 hours and I strangely felt refreshed despite everything. That must be a side effect of the dream, the more energy I exerted there, the more I woke up, a means to pull me back. Zamiel prepared for this, which means I have a job to do. I wish she wasn't so cryptic with these messages, I wish she would have told me this but I know I'll have to deal with this when it comes.

As I grab my son, I listen to him cooing. "How did you sleep, my little king?" and then he farted, he must have slept well. I slept for close to 10 hours, it was already 10 am and I even started a new day but I need to be prepared for when I do that again especially since if I do it again, I risk getting trapped in the other world, something I don't want to go through.

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