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"Well, I've definitely never heard someone ask for a quickie like that." Remington remarked as he sped towards my house with a smirk on his face. Grace usually gets home around four. I hoped we would make it here before her.

"Remington, this is no time for jokes." I shook my head, biting my lip nervously as I stared out the window. I felt his large, tattooed hand on my thigh and noticed I had been bouncing it up and down nervously. The sparks from his touched instantly soothed me.

It kind of pissed me off that he had this kind of power of me. That he could control my emotions better than I could. I wasn't mad at him, just at the universe. I think. Moon goddess? I don't know anymore. It was a lot to handle, that's for sure.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine. She won't even know." He said and I started panicking. What do wolves do to people who find out their secret? To those who aren't supposed to know? Remington wouldn't let anyone hurt her, right?

"Remington, nothing can happen to her." I whispered, turning to him my eyes serious. He had to get it.

"Okay, I know." He nodded and I sighed, putting my hand over his. His eyes snapped to mine and he searched them, looking for what I was trying to say.

"Remington, she saved me. When nobody else wanted me, she saved me." I whispered and his face fell. He squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else around you." He said, pulling my hand to his lips and kissing it. I couldn't help but worry. He's making a promise he doesn't know he can keep.

I grabbed his hand and stared at it in mine. It was an intricate tattoo of a wolf at the base of his hand. The further up you got, was a night sky leading to a moon that the wolf was howling at. The wolf looked like Remington's. There was a few differences though. The eyes were off and the teeth weren't as sharp. Though I'm sure the artist probably had never even seen a real one in their life.

Soon enough, we pulled in the driveway, and I sighed in relief when I noticed Grace's car wasn't in the driveway. I turned to Remington, eyes wide.

"Well, hurry!" He said and I smiled, running into the house. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and poured it out. I grabbed a Gatorade and ran to my room and set them on my bedside table. I grabbed all my blankets and sheets and took them to the laundry room. I started them in the washer when Grace walked in. I stepped into the kitchen and her jaw dropped when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh, Ryleigh. You look so much better! What did you do?" She asked, running over to me and examining my face in her hands.

"Drank a lot of water and Gatorade. Remington brought me soup." I smiled and she nodded, still looking at me cautiously.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure she was okay." I nearly pissed myself when I heard his voice. Grace pulled away from me and both turned, looking surprised to see him walking out of my bedroom.

"How kind of you." She smiled at him then turned back to me. "Ugh; I'm just glad you're better." She smiled, hugging me one last time.

"Me too. I was actually just grabbing myself some spare blankets and sheets. Had to wash mine." I gave her a small smile and she nodded, heading over to the counter.

"Okay, we'll did you want to order out to night? I was thinking maybe pizza or Chinese?" Grace said and a huge grin broke out on my face. She already knew this answer to this.

I felt a heat behind me and turned to see Remington had came up behind me. He was looking down at me and smiling. I turned back to Grace who was looking at the two of us weird. I couldn't decipher what she was thinking.

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