Blair - Sixteen

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16 – Blair


"Stop laughing asshole, this isn't funny!" I whined to Landon.

"You literally had a one-night stand with a guy that is actually your best friend, one of the hottest guys I've ever fucking seen by the way, and you might be pregnant with his child. A legit fucking love child! This is hilarious Blair honey." I smacked his arm as we walked through the set.

"Could you be any louder! I don't want anyone to know!"

"Sweetie, everyone is going to know once that belly pops!"

"Listen, if I am...I didn't show with Ryder till I was like seven months. I can hide this and just take a leave and nobody will know."

"Girl, second one always shows sooner." I threw my head back. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Aiden and I have one amazing no strings attached night, that I can't get out of my damn head, and now I could be having his kid. That's probably the biggest string attached possible. "Blair, I'm sorry, you're going to be fine." Landon stopped us and put both his hands on my shoulders. "I will come with you and Uncle Landon is going to be there every step of the way. Okay?" I nodded and hugged him tightly.

When we finished the shoot, I somehow convinced Landon to go in to the store and buy a box of tests. I drove us back to my apartment and went straight to the bathroom.

"How long does it take you to pee!" Landon yelled through the door just as I finished and was washing my hands. I opened the door and let out a small breath.

"It says three minutes, and I can't look."

"Didn't you two use protection? Like haven't I taught you anything!"

"Yes, we did. Specifically, he stopped everything to get it out of his wallet and even stated that I had one and he wasn't ready for one. So, yes Landon we used a fucking condom, all three times!"

"At least you remember the night, and all three glorious times." He smirked.

"With insane detail." And I really did, every bit of that night comes back to me constantly. I crave his damn touch when he's close, and just his voice when he isn't. My heart races every time I even think of him and it kills me to know I have to keep my hands to myself.

"Earth to Blair." Landon was snapping in my face. "Honey, I said it has been three minutes."

"Oh god, I'm going to hurl. You look at it." He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the test.

"Oh, ew, wait...what side did you pee on?"

"LANDON!" He laughed and threw his hands up.

"Okay, okay. Jeeze, hormones much." He smirked and turned the test over. His face didn't show an ounce of emotion.


"'re going to need a 3 bedroom. Congrats baby girl! You have a Lucas baby in your belly! Shit his daddy is hot as hell woman!" We both quickly turned hearing the knock at my door.

"Shit, hide the test!" I whisper yelled and ran to the door.

"Where am I supposed to?"

"Pocket!" I opened the door and threw on a smile. Ansley was standing there with a big grin.

"I'm pregnant." My eyes went wide and it took me a second to realize she was talking about herself. Once it clicked, I squealed pulling her in for a hug and congratulating her. Also, hating myself for not being able to tell her, and being overly excited that we're going to have kids the same age.

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