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Hey guys! Please share this story with your friends if u can, it would mean a lot since this is my first story and a completely new account so I don't really have followers or anyone to read it :/ Hope you enjoy this chapter though it's a very interesting one hehe


"Wait, so you're telling me he got hard from slapping you?" Jean exclaimed and I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder. We were chilling in the boys' room where he slept, but none of the others were there. He was the only one I felt like I could entrust to this information, and he was usually quite good with giving advice and was not judgemental at all, although he could never be serious about anything.

"Yes! And he literally had me pushed up against a wall and I couldn't move. He got pissed that I went off on him and called him a dick so he hit me and then boom, a boner."

"That sounds like quite a sexy situation, I'd definitely get hard as well," Jean smiled and I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment but could not stifle my laugh. "Do you think it's some weird pain and domination kink?"

I bit the inside of my lip and thought for a second. After all, the captain had always been quite a violent guy when it came to punishing the trainee cadets, so maybe he got off on it. That was the only explanation I could give for what happened, but it was strange to think about. I was basically his student after all and about half his age, so the fact that he got aroused by me was interesting.

"Definitely," I replied. "And, I mean, if the scenario had been a bit different I would have probably found it quite hot. It just got ruined by the fact that he told me I don't deserve any of his time and I called him heartless."

"Jeez, you two had a proper domestic out there, you kinky fuckers," Jean laughed. "So, do you like him then? Because if you weren't into him at all you would be calling him a creep right now, but you're not so there must be something there!"

Groaning, I fell back onto Jean's bed while he stayed sitting up against the wall. The events of the previous morning had messed with my head so much. The captain avoided me all day yesterday, which I frankly appreciated as I would not even know what to say to him. Unfortunately, this could not be repeated today though as he had told me to return his shirt which I spent probably an hour scrubbing clean. I did not know how I could face him, which is why I needed the moral support from Jean.

"I just don't get what his deal is. I feel like when we're around other people or I piss him off, he treats me like trash, but then when we're alone he gets boners and opens up. Obviously, I find him attractive but I just don't understand what he wants from me, or if he even wants anything at all!" I could not help but rant, as this had been plaguing my mind for the past day and a half.

"Ok, so what I'm gathering from this is that he needs to keep up his tough reputation, which is why he's rude to you around other people, so all you've got to do is get him alone! Easy peasy," the boy fixed his hair which began to lay more flat than he liked it. "Just wear something hot when you return his shirt later and you'll have him swooning over you."

I rolled my eyes again: something Jean made me do quite often because of the things that came out of his stupid mouth. The idea of wearing something nice to impress Captain Levi did not sit right with me, but then again neither did the entire situation with him. I had had boyfriends who were a similar age to me before but none confused me as much as this grown man.

"What if he doesn't even like me at all though? What if he genuinely just popped a random boner and I'm just overthinking it?" I began to worry.

"Oh, shut up," Jean scoffed and lightly hit my leg. "Even if that's the case there's no reason not to try. Literally, all you have to do is put on something sexy and go to his office, it's not like that's going to be life-ruining."

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