Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Layton took my suitcase from my old Alpha – Alpha Jones – with a glare in his direction. It seemed that the two didn't get on; but, then, I couldn't imagine Layton getting on with anyone.

"Have you seen Jacob?" I asked Alpha Jones, as Layton carried my bag to his car.

"I sent him back to the pack early" Alpha Jones frowned; giving me a look of obvious annoyance. I knew he blamed me for the commotion between Jacob and Layton – but I blamed myself as well, I was to blame. They were fighting over me.

"Gemini, let's go" Layton snapped, from behind me. I glanced back to see him getting into his expensive sports car. I gave him a small nod, before turning back to Alpha Jones.

"Goodbye, Alpha". I lowered my head in submission, before I turned away.

"Wait" Alpha Jones growled, grabbing my arm before I could walk away. I glanced back at him. He looked angry. At the sight of Alpha Jones touching my arm, Layton jumped out the car. "You're not welcome back" Alpha Jones growled at me.

In seconds of leaving the car, Layton was by my side – grabbing Alpha Jones's arm. Bending it back, he snapped it. I screamed bloody murder, as Alpha Jones cried out in pain. The break of his arm was so grotesque, that his bone poked out through his skin; ripping the skin to pieces. The sound was awful; a loud cracking sound that I almost thought was fake because it was so sickening.

Another screamed escaped my lips as blood splatter over my white dress, and Alpha Jones stumbled backwards in pain. People began rushing over to us, as tears fell from my eyes. "Let's go" Layton said, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards his car.

I was so scared of him – of my mate. Because he had just broken another Alpha's arm without even blinking. Layton opened the car door, and forced me inside. I didn't fight him, I worried too much of what he'd do to me if I disobeyed him. Layton slammed the passenger door forcefully, and I jumped at the loud thud it made.

Once Layton was in the driver's seat, we drove away in silence. The tension between us was thick and suffocating. "Stop crying" he snapped about ten minutes into the drive. I lowered my head and tried to reign my emotions in.

Layton was a dangerous driver; weaving in and out of traffic, and breaking every speed regulation up and down the country. I secretly held onto the car door, trying to not look frightened. But, what surprised me was when Layton saw how terrified I looked, he slowed his driving slightly.

As the drive continued, back to Layton's house, it began to sink in that I would be spending the rest of my life with him. I would be the Blood Alpha's mate, and my life would never be the same again. I realised that, shocked, and wondered how long Layton would allow me before we mated, married and had pups. That thought scared me – that I would have to have children with the killer sat next to me.

"Why me?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I blushed at my forwardness, but Layton just glanced at me before looking back at the road.

He sighed heavily. "I never wanted a mate, that is no secret. Yet, every day of every year, She Wolves throw themselves at my feet; begging me to take them as a mate. I was sick of it. Yet, you were different. You didn't even give off a scent of desire when we met. I even made sure to touch you, and force you to stare into my eyes. Yet nothing, you feel no desire towards me – if you had I would have smelt it".

His words shocked and confused me, but I took all his words in – it was the most I had heard him speak. "So, you chose me because I'm not attracted to you?" I asked slowly, thinking the words through carefully.

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