Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Humans died all the times. Humans were murdered all the time. Humans killed all the time. However, having a dead human on our territory was bad news. That would mean police over our land, and people snooping into our business. We didn't need that.

We really didn't need that.Humans already thought the communities we had were weird – thinking we were a cult, or a religious organisation and some even thinking we were nudists. It was the same with every Werewolf communal in the country; the humans frowned upon our communities as if we were doing something wrong. People feared the unknown.

Layton froze, eyes hardening as he looked at his Beta. I swallowed deeply, scared of what it would mean for the pack to be stuck in the middle of a murder investigation. I gripped a hold of Layton's large hand, holding it tightly with both my thin hands.

Layton glanced down at me, before taking me into his arms. He rested me against his side, his arms going around my waist. He held me in a possessive manner, fingers digging into my waist slightly. He was hurting me slightly, but I didn't complain.

"Take me there. Now" Layton growled. Beta Strider nodded, before leading us towards the forest. I didn't want to go with them – to see the dead body – but I also didn't want to leave Layton. Firstly, because I was too scared to be by myself. Secondly, because I didn't want Layton to lose his temper; I had a calming effect on him. We already had one dead body, we didn't him to add any more.

On the edge of the territory, about a meter into the woods, was a gathering of a few people from the Pack. "Go home all of you, I will sort this" Layton exclaimed loudly, as we walked towards were they were huddled.

Our Pack members all turned to see us, before casting their eyes in submission and returning to their homes. When the Wolves were all out of the way, I saw what everyone had been looking at. The dead human.

It was a young girl, not much older than me, with light blonde hair and a slim build. Her body was sprawled out over the forest ground; her arms crossed over her body and her legs spread apart. Dirt was matted into her hair, and sprayed all over her body. Her pale skin looked blue.

But the worst part was the blood.

Scarlet blood was everywhere; over the girl, around the girl and on the ground. The smell of copper filled my senses and played on my gag reflex. I gagged, turning away from the sight. Layton didn't say anything, he simply rubbed my back; he was trying to be soothing, but the aggression in the action was anything but.

"What are we going to do, Alpha?" Beta Strider questioned, and I tried to think of anything but the dead body.

"I'm thinking" Layton snapped, before staring back at the body. Layton was used to death and blood, but I wasn't. Killing wasn't an everyday activity for Werewolves, but it happened. Layton was familiar with it, whereas I wasn't. Most Wolves wouldn't have ever see a dead body, yet it didn't even faze Layton.

Swallowing deeply, I tried to take in a breath of fresh air. It didn't work and I ended up breathing in more of the death smelling air. I could no longer hold my dinner down. I broke away from Layton and vomited.

I coughed heavily, as bile spilled from my mouth. Layton came up from behind me and held my hair back, as I doubled over. A human probably wouldn't have been able to smell much; maybe an odd tinge to the air. But, with my senses, it was the smell that turned my stomach contents.

I just hadn't expected a dead body to be so...dead. It was stupid, and naïve, of me to hope that the girl would have just been sleeping. The smell was too pungent for that. It was like I was suffocating in death.

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