Chapter 4

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A/N: Here's Chapter 4, the last one of this lil short story! Hope you like ittttt <3


The next two weeks are a blur of music, Harry, me rejecting Chris' advances, Rachel's desperation, and self-restraint from choking her on my part.

Two weeks of Harry and I closing together and learning new things about each other. What makes us laugh, what makes us cry.

Two weeks of Harry being smiley and sweet and kind and fun and beautiful. Two weeks of everyone noticing just how smiley, sweet, kind, fun, and beautiful he is.

Which is why it only takes those two weeks for Rachel to finally ask him out on a date.

It's me, Harry, and Logan working today. I'm on register and Logan and Harry are organizing.

Well, they were.

Until Rachel popped the question. Now Logan and I are watching the scene unfold with parted lips while Harry gulps and scratches the back of his neck nervously. He hasn't responded yet and it's been two minutes since she asked.

"So, what do you say, Harry? Are you finally gonna go out with me Friday night?" Rachel pops her gum, smiling wide, unfazed by his lack of response.

Harry looks to me with wide eyes but I simply raise my eyebrows waiting to see what he says. If he says, yes, I'll know. I'll know I just have a stupid little crush that isn't reciprocated.

I don't think that's the response he was looking for, though. Because I watch as his face falls and he turns to face Rachel again, a hard exterior. "Sure."

I feel my heart crack at his response and clear my throat, getting back to work so they can continue their conversation.

Maybe this is because of what happened at Liv's the last time we went, just a few nights ago. I'd declined karaoke with Harry because my throat hurt. So naturally, Rachel graciously offered to take my spot and did a duet with him.

Of Hairspray. More specifically, Without Love from Hairspray.

Even more specifically, Without Love from Hairspray, which is my favorite song.

Harry knew this, which is why he'd wanted me to sing it with him in the first place. But Rachel does what she wants and doesn't let anyone say no to her. So, Harry sang it with her (Well, he sang. She did what I think most people would call a war cry). Her arm wrapped around his waist, leaving him no choice but to put his over her shoulder.

I'd left in the middle of their performance because, to be honest, it wasn't something I'd wanted to see. Who knows what they got up to after that.

Which led to today.

So. Harry likes Rachel. Harry is taking Rachel on a date. That's great. Truly great. Just absolutely wonderful news.

In fact, its such wonderful news, that I quickly walk to the back where Logan is and ask him if he could start giving me morning shifts.

Harry works night shifts.

Logan gives me a sympathetic smile, I guess my stupid crush was more obvious than I thought, and agrees without hesitation.

So, so great.

Another week passes and I haven't had a single shift with Harry. We haven't talked at all, no calls, no texts, nothing. But Rachel likes to pop in during my shifts and ramble on about how much fun she and Harry are having on their dates.

Spin | H.S. | AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora