Under a streetlight

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Emilie P.o.V.:
December 2016

My feet were hurting and it was cold. I didn't really knew how long I had been walking around the city but it was slowly getting dark.

Well at least the sun was going to sleep cause as it seemed I wouldn't find my way back home and even I knew that sleeping on the streets is dangerous.
I was walking close to the river in the hope finding the bridge that I needed to take home but I didn't even know if I'm anywhere close to the bridge I'm looking for.

I could hear the cars on the road to my right. The park I was walking in was at least not open to cars. If it would've been open I might have to explain why I was walking alone around here.
There weren't a lot of people around and I totally got why. It was really cold outside and with the snow on the streets it wasn't really nice to be outside. Especially not when it rained the other day and the snow was more a watery mud than the nice snow you'd like to play in.

In the far away I could see a bridge. There were dozens of lights making the bridge shine so that everyone could see it. I started to walk a lot faster.

"Hey kid where are you going?" A man on a bike stoped in front of me.
"To my mom and dad." I quickly lied and pointed at a couple a little further away.

He nodded and I ran in the direction I pointed. I could feel his eyes following me so I continued to run. At a little hill made of snow I stopped and started to 'play' in it so I wouldn't have to run to the couple. Looking up I saw the biker driving away and with a sigh I continued to make my way to the bridge.

Almost at the bridge I had to go up to the street to get to the entrance to the walkway.

There was it just one more crosswalk and then I'd be there. I waited till some grown ups were crossing the crosswalk before running over the street. The grown ups didn't seem to notice me so I just started walking in the walkway, what nobody else did. All of them crossed to the other side of the street. I just shrugged and continued the way over the bridge.

Bad idea.

With the snowy mud it was slippery. The wind was blowing and it was hard to walk without falling down for me.
It probably would be a easier if I'd be taller so I'd be able to hold onto the railing.

But I just walked on and when I reached the first of the two bridge piers I took a small break and sat down. Here the wind was not as hard as the pier kinda worked as a wind shield.
I curled myself up to warm myself up a little bit but of course it was to cold outside.

With a sigh I got up and continued my walk to the other pier. By the time I reached the second pier it was completely dark and the only light that was still shining came from the street lights.

I was shaking from the cold, my teeth started chattering and I couldn't feel most of my body because it was so cold.
In the shield of the second pier I once again tried to warm up a bit, which worked a little bit as I at least didn't stand in the freezing wind anymore.
Don't know how long I was standing there in the cold, but after a little bit of time I heard the clacking of shoes on the bridge.

I curled myself closer against the shadow of the wall in the effort to make myself invisible to who ever was coming my way.

But apparently I wasn't good enough at hiding because only a few seconds later the footsteps stopped and woman crouched down in front of me.

"Hey sweet girl. What are you doing here?" The woman was blonde and had sparkly blue eyes. She looked at me but I just moved back from her.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." She immediately promised.

Her sweet girlWhere stories live. Discover now