Out of the woods

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Emilie P.o.V.:
January 2017

Taylor has been teaching me for over three weeks now and I think it's great fun. A lot of times we do a lot more than we have to, but Taylor says that's alright cause we've got a lot to do before summer.

My faverouite subject was definitely language arts or English but I also liked nature studies, cause that means that we'd drive out of the city in a car and then go hiking in the forest. Often we have picknicks on the way and we see lots of animals.

While outside I always have a task that's close to this lessons nature studies. Like we would read about an animal in the morning and then we'd go outside and do something related to it or try to find it in the forest. Last week we talked about squirrels.

"Emilie." Taylor came in. "You gotta get up if you want to go out." I nodded and climbed out of the bed. "Good morning." I said and she gave me a kiss on my head.

"Morning baby." "Tay? Are we really going to the forest? I mean Cara and Selly are here don't they want to do something else."

"No don't worry they are already up and drinking coffee. We're only waiting for you." I walked to my closet and picked out an outfit that was both warm enough but could also get dirty.

"It's pretty warm outside for January and don't forget your rubber pants and shoes." "Why?" "You'll see soon. Can you give them to me?" I gave her the items and she packed them into a bag, that I knew would be the school bag, cause my nature log book was inside and pencils.

In the kitchen were really the two women. "Good morning." I said while taking a seat on my chair. The two gave me tired smiles.

"When are we going?" I asked Taylor who smiled. "After everyone's finished we'll read your task for the day and then we'll go." I nodded and started to eat my cereals.

I was finished before the grown ups and waited while they were trying to wake up fully, but finally everyone was finished.

"Come on." I said and took Caras arm to pull her upstairs with me.
Selena and Taylor followed us.
I opened the door to my school room and immediately turned to the calendar.

"Today is the 31st." Taylor smiled while the other two were looking around the room. "Thats a nice room. I never saw it before." Selena said.

"Its our school room. Taylor teaches me." I explained. Taylor had picked me up so I could fix the magnets on the calender.

Date right, month the same, still the same season, weather sunny yesterday it was raining so that was good.
"Really what do you study?"
"Uhm history, geography, science, math, language art and fine arts. And on Fridays nature studies." I said pointing at the blackboard.

"Thats really cool. Are you good student?" Cara asked and I looked at Taylor.

"Of course she is. She is really smart. Most of the time we finish the work of two weeks in one. Now sit down I'm gonna read about today's animal now."
She picked up a book called the burgess animal book for children.

The story she was reading was called 'a lumbermann and an engineer'. This book was the book we read every Friday.

The lesson was about Patty, the beaver and mother nature was talking about how the beaver was really nice cause he used the all of the trees. He eats some part and then he builds dams to make little ponds.

After she finished she looked at me.
"You're ready to go?" I nodded and jumped up. "What's the my task today?" I asked and jumped up and down.
Taylor looked at me with a loving smile.
"You'll build your own little dam." She said.

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