Just Julie

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Julie walked in and although everyone's heads spun to greet the boys, when their eyes fell on her, they smiled. Some said hello, someone announced that it was the princess, and they went back to minding their own business. There was rock music playing on speakers, but it wasn't obnoxious. Julie's eyes went to the stage the boys were playing on, the lights around it off. There was a keyboard put to the side, and she wanted to get her hands on it.

"Julie?" a voice she recognized said behind her. She turned and saw Prince William running up to her, jumping in place when he got in front of her. "I've been wondering when you were going to get invited here."

"Hi, Willie," Julie said, hugging him, his long hair brushing on her hands.

"You have to meet my boyfriend," Willie said, looking around. "Who are you here with?" Julie looked to her side and realized the boys were gone from her side. "There he is," Willie said, pointing to a pile of people wrestling on the floor. Luke and Reggie were in it, keeping a blond down to the floor. Everyone else went unphased, so Julie could assume this was done often.

"Help," the blond said meekly and reached out to Willie. Willie laughed and ran over to help him up, Reggie and Luke getting off him. Luke stayed on the floor, smiling with his chin on his knees. Julie had never seen him so happy, and it made her heart warm. Reggie made eye contact with Julie and he pointed in the direction of a group of people, a brown haired girl in the middle of the crowd. He got up and dusted himself off before walking straight to her. Julie wanted to see the girl's reaction, but her view got blocked by Willie. She didn't see Luke stand up.

Willie led Alex to her by his arm and said, "Julie, meet Alex!"

"Hello, Alex," Julie said to him with a smile. "It's great to meet you."

Alex went in for a hug. It took Julie by surprise, but she hugged him back. It was homey sensation. "It's so great to meet you too." When he pulled away, he kept smiling. "My mom never stops talking about you. I swear."

"Your mom is a lovely person," Julie told him. She looked at Willie and then remembered he was in the same position as her, just not as deep. "What are you doing here? Your kingdom isn't closing its borders?"

"No," he shook his head. "We're preparing for any refugees we get, actually. We're just a kingdom away. We want them to feel safe until they can go home." If they were able to go home. "Me on the other hand," he smirked. "I ran away for a bit." He put his arm around Alex and kissed him on the temple. "Couldn't stay away from this one for too long."

"I'm also on a run, but just for an hour or two," Julie said to him. Alex pointed over at Reggie who was mixing together random concoctions at the bar, the girl helping him with a flirty smile on her face. Julie wished she could feel as free as that girl looked.

"I'm not watching this again," Alex sighed, covering his mouth with his hand.

"I am," Willie said, pulling away and walking over.

"I think he can get you front row seats," Alex said and gestured at Willie's back.

Julie made a face. "I'll pass."

"Come," Alex said, motioning her to go with him. "Let's sit while they go throw up together." Julie smiled and went to sit across from him at a booth in the corner. The seats were well kept for a place ran by teenagers although the wooden tables had a lot of things carved into them. She saw the year 1995 on there.

Julie didn't know what to tell him, but she remembered the video, using it to cover the silence. "You're great on the drums." Alex perked up, shyly scratching the back of his head. She wondered if he picked that up from Luke or if Luke picked it up from him.

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