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Han Seojun walked to his school alone while watching the other students running to their own classes.

"What's the rush?",he thought.

"Han Seojun!"

Seojun turned around as Jugyeong ran to him,gasped for breaths as soon as she approached Seojun.

"Ugh I'm so tired",Jugyeong complained.Her lips was stained with the most seductive colour of red but it kinda messy at right corner,guess she's really in a rush.

"Yah your lips",Seojun pointed to Jugyeong's lips but Jugyeong didn't get what he tried to tell her.Seojun sighed and pulled her closer to him before he wiped the messy part on the corner of her lips with his thumb.

"Now it's better",Seojun took his phone and showed the screen,Jugyeong checked her lips from the reflection.

They didn't realized that they already caught some of the student's attention around them.

"Thank you Han Seojun!",they both then walked together to their class.

"Sooah!",Jugyeong ran to her friend while Seojun went to his seat.As he sit,his eyes turned directly to Suho who was staring outside the window.

"What is he looking at?",Seojun kept on wondering when suddenly Suho turned his head and both their gazes met.

Seojun smiled and waved to him but then Suho ignored him and looked back infront.

"What's with him?Did he just ignore me?",Seojun kept on looking at Suho but Suho didn't turned back making Seojun couldn't understand the whole situation.

He started to look back infront when Mr Han entered the class to start the learning session.

- -

"You're coming after school right?",Chorong asked while slings his arm to Seojun's shoulder.

After school,they planned to play basketball together so Chorong wanted to make sure Seojun can join them,especially because Seojun is the ace among them.

"Aisshhhh fine,but not too late cause i wanna go back home early",he replied.

They both were on their way to cafeteria as Seojun saw Suho was walking towards him.

"Owh its Lee Suho!"

"Lee Suho!",Seojun greeted him and smiled but Suho didn't even looked at him,walked away from Seojun.

"What's with him?",Seojun started to get more confused as Suho was fine yesterday,he even bought breakfast for him.

"What's going on with you and Suho?",Chorong who was observing them since before began his interrogation session,his curiousity began kicking in.

Seojun turned to Chorong and shooked his head,

"Let's go",he said as they both continue chattering about other things but deep down Seojun still felt uncomfortable after Suho treated him that way.

- -

"Han Seojun!Han Seojun!",all his gang gathered around Seojun while Seojun smiled widely as if he's the king of the world.

"I'm glad that you join us!Now I'm sure we gonna win this game",Manshik bragged confidently.

"C'mon,it's just a game,don't be too serious",Seojun responded to his friends.They both can't wait to play as they already imagined themselves winning the game.

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora