Chapter 16- Lessons To Be Taught

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"So..." I started with crossed arms, already having a good guess on how it went as I leaned against the wall in my throne room.

"Just as you had planned," Tiberius spoke my mind and I failed in holding back the smirk. "Claudius is on his way back to the palace with the Empress, it's clear that she was quite... shaken... by the sudden turn of events,"

"Perfect," I hummed, strolling back to the throne and sitting down with a satisfied huff. Now all that's left is for her to return to my arms and stay here.

But before that, I should put on the perfect act that won't leave her questioning anything. My Empress is quite the smart woman so there is no room for mistakes.

"And Tiberius..." I stopped him in his tracks as he turned back to look at me. "No one will ever know about this, especially my Empress. Is that clear?" I gave him a pointed look and he instantly nodded his head.

"As clear as the day, your imperial majesty," He said and the smile was back on my face as I leaned back on my throne, crossing my legs and waiting for the arrival of my wife.

"Wonderful," I sang.

And then the doors flew open and the smile wiped itself off my face, replaced by a frown with a hint of worry and a pinch of anger. Now, let's see how well this goes.

"Her imperial majesty, Empress Valeria Antonia Aurelius Caesar!" One of the guards spoke as she stepped into the room, rubbing her forearm with her guilty eyes facing the ground. Her body was still shaking from the events at the market place.

...Did I go too far?

No, it was all necessary.

Linus and Claud both followed her into the room, a respectable distance placed between them and her, just as I liked it.

Standing up, I strolled down the few steps and began walking towards her, an urgent look on my face.

"Flower, are you alright-" I cut myself off when she turned her head up to look at me, eyes glittering with unshed tears.

And then, she ran forward, wrapping her arms around my waist and berrying her face in my chest, body racking with fearful sobs.

"I'm- I'm sorry," She whispered out between sobs, clenching tightly onto the material of my clothes... Oh? This is going better than planned. Smirking down at her, I raised a hand and stroked the back of her head, hugging her tighter.

"Shh, it's alright," I leaned down to whisper to her.

"I should have listened to you, none of that would have happened if I had only listened to you. I'm sorry... Please don't be angry," I hummed, resting my chin on her head while continuing with stroking her hair, my other hand running up and down her spine.

"Everyone... Out," I spoke and no one wasted a second to get lost, leaving me alone with my frightened wife. I spared a glance down at her trembling self, wondering where to go from here and decided to go with my instincts.

Without another word, I gathered her up in my arms, picking her up bridal style as she hid her face in the crook of my neck and I led us to my throne where I sat down with her on my thighs. Shakily, she picked her head up to meet my waiting gaze.

Raising a hand, I placed it on her cheek, wiping away her stray tears as she sniffled.

"Are you really sorry?" I asked and she quickly nodded her head, moving to wipe away the rest of her tears and I breathed out a heavy sigh, smiling lightly at her.

"Are you very angry?" She whispered out.

"Honestly, yes. I'm enraged," I bluntly said and she flinched. I moved to tuck her hair behind her ear, staring at her scared self and trying not to enjoy it too much but when she looked this ethereal, it was hard not to enjoy it.

"But... I am more worried than angry. I want to say I told you so but seeing you like this makes me change my mind... Do you understand why I said what I said now?" She nodded her head once more and I had to keep from widening my smile.

"I love you too much to watch you get hurt. I am sorry that I have to keep you here like a caged bird but it gives me peace of mind knowing that you are safe,"

"I understand," She timidly said, moving to hug me and knowing that she couldn't see my face right now, I smirked the most satisfied smirk I ever have.

"I won't try going behind your back anymore," She said those words and they were music to my ears.

My hard work has finally paid off.

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise," She replied and I chuckled, holding her face and moving her to meet my steel gaze. But still, I was in a good mood now and this causes for celebration.

"But you know, I did warn you quite a lot. I should still teach you a lesson... Just to be safe," Smirking at her, she raised her brows, confused. I answered her confusion by leaning in and kissing her deeply.

"Do you understand?" I whispered, already knowing the answer.

"But... Aren't you busy?" She looked at my chest, that beautiful blush that I had begun to miss stained her cheekbones once more.

"Not right now, I'm not," I lied and she tilted her head back, her hazel gaze catching mine.

"Then... In our chambers..." She fiddled with the sleeve of my top and I laughed, moving to kiss her forehead and further increasing her blush. Not wanting to miss another moment, I picked her up in my arms and practically ran to our chambers.

Locking the door behind me, I strolled towards the four-poster bed, pushing the curtains out of the way before gently laying her down on the mattress and climbing to hover over her while she nervously fidgeted with her hands.

"I love you," She whispered as I leaned down to kiss her collarbone.

"And I, you," I replied, climbing up to capture her lips as her hands rested on my shoulders. My hands went to fiddle with her simple outfit and I tore the fabric off of her, leaving a hot trail of kisses along her body.

"Take my clothes off," I whispered into her ear and despite the deep blush on her face, she did as told, helping me rid my clothes and as she liked, I pulled the cover-up to cover both our bodies, wrapping my arms around her waist and partly picking her up off the bed, her head fell back while my lips trailed down from her neck to the valley of her breasts.

"Don't ever defy me again," I spoke against her stomach and she shivered at the sensation, nodding her head as she gripped onto my shoulders.

I can't wait to put a child in here. I thought to myself.

"I want words, flower," I continued to trail down to her thighs, biting and sucking her soft flesh. "I promise," She meekly whispered out, squeezing her eyes shut as I moved back up to look at her, grabbing her hands and moving them away from her face.

"What do you promise?" I smirked.

"To never defy you again," She mumbled, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down to kiss her lips and I did as she liked. My hand going to pick her leg up, wrapping it around my lower waist and stroking its way back up to her breast.

"Good," I mumbled, my breath tickling her earlobe and she shivered.

Just as it should always have been.

And just as it will always be.

My one and only wife and Empress, Ria.


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