chapter two

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I closed the front door. 

I kicked off my shoes at the door and placed them on the boot rack that was overflowing with the boys' shoes. Speaking of which, I could hear deep voices arguing in the kitchen already. I rolled my eyes, the twins still managed to get in a good argument before leaving in the morning. I almost thought their arguing was getting worse. I knew the fights were.

"Hey, just got back?"

I turned to see my oldest brother gathering his car keys from the coffee table. I hadn't even heard him come downstairs. He was dressed in a navy blue suit that had cost a small fortune but it was his only one and he strictly wore it for work. His dirty blonde hair was sleeked back and he looked like a true businessman. 

"Yeah," I managed a small smile and then asked, "Isn't it early today?" 

"No, I start at eight," Mikeal checked his watch, eyes widening slightly, "I have to run, see you later, okay?" He kissed my forehead and then he quickly left without letting me say another word. After the front door closed, I heard the only car that we owned rumble to life and he pulled out of the driveway.

I sighed. There was no time for me anymore. See me later? Yeah, right. He would disappear in his work, as he often did anymore, and his words had less meaning to me every time he spoke them. Sometimes, I didn't even get to say more than a few words in return, and I had always hated one-sided conversations. 

"Have a good day," I muttered to nobody but myself and then I headed for the kitchen. 

Before I even made it five steps, I heard glass shatter. 

"Julian, you clumsy dipshit!" 

"How many times do we have to tell you that you can't touch glass?" His twin hollered, "You break every piece of glass!" 

"Whatever!" Julian hollered back. "It's not my fault, it slipped from my fingers!" 

"You say that every time!" 

I entered the kitchen to see Ezra seated at the kitchen island. I was surprised. Usually, Ezra was the last one awake in the mornings, he had a condition that made it harder for him to wake up. Perhaps he had a job that required him to be up early, that would be good news.

However, Ezra's expression was sour as he took a gulp of his coffee as if it would fix the current nightmare around him. His dark eyes flickered my way before returning to his phone without a single acknowledgment. I stuck my tongue out, he was in a mood.

"Don't pick it up like that!" Roman slapped the back of Julian's head, "You twat, you'll cut yourself!" He leaned down with a dishtowel and began gathering the shattered pieces, "Just let me do it, get out of the way!" 

I glanced down at the mess on the floor and gasped, "Is that Mom's favorite mug?" 

The twins froze, their eyes snapped to mine. How did they even find that mug? I had hidden it well in one of the cabinets. It was just another thing that I couldn't let go of. I still remembered those mornings my mom and I would drink coffee together, it seemed like forever ago, but every time I saw her mug it was another bittersweet reminder.

"I'm so sorry," Julian rushed out, "There weren't any other mugs..." My eyes cut over to the sink piled with dirty dishes, a few bowls even discarded on the counter.  

"Well, there would be if you guys cleaned up after yourselves for once." I snapped. I couldn't help it. As I stared at those broken pieces that Roman was trying to sweep up, I felt like he was throwing away another piece of my life, another piece from the past.

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