chapter ten

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I knew the exact moment Ezra came home. 

The front door slammed, just like it had when he left. I looked at the time on my computer, the twins should be home, too, if not already. I immediately headed downstairs and before I even hit the bottom step, I heard shouting. My heart skipped a bit because I knew Mikeal wouldn't be home for another hour or so. 

I entered the kitchen and paused in the threshold. Ezra was on one side of the kitchen island and the twins were on the other side. When Ezra moved one way, the twins mirrored it, and the kitchen island remained a barrier between them. 

However, they were shouting at each other like they weren't just a few feet apart and I winced at the volume. Mostly, it was Roman and Ezra fueling each other with sharp words, and Julian was trying to stop them from throwing fists. That was pretty much normal for their fights. 

"You're just mad because you know I'm right!" 

"Fuck off, Roman, you don't half the shit you think you do!" 

"Oh yeah? Enlighten me then, you fucking prick." Roman threw something at Ezra and it smacked the side of Ezra's face. "Everyone in the house hates your piss poor mood!"

Ezra slowly wiped off whatever had hit him. "I'll make you regret that." 

"Come on then. I'm not scared of you and your empty threats anymore, you insensitive dick."

Their circle around the counter stopped. 

"Is that so?" Ezra's voice was dangerously low. He reached the only thing he could throw, which was orange from the fruit basket, and he smirked when it thumped off of Roman's head in the blink of an eye. "Say it again, I dare you."


Suddenly, the kitchen counter wasn't mediating between them, and I moved. "Hey, hey!" I ran around the island counter and pushed the twins back a step. I then stood between the twins and Ezra, my arms outstretched between them. "Don't start this again. Please, no more fighting." Ezra stepped forward and I pointed out of the kitchen with a sharp glare. "Leave." 

His dark eyes snapped down to me. Challenging me or perhaps he was even daring me to keep telling him what to do. Just like he had done when we were younger, but I wasn't a little girl anymore. I clenched my jaw, my eyes never leaving his. 

I stepped forward and shoved him with all my might. He actually stumbled back a few steps. "Did you hear what I just said?" I snapped at him. "Get the fuck out!" 

It went dead silent in the kitchen. I knew why. I didn't swear often, despite how my brothers did, I tried not to adopt their foul language. However, when I was angry the words just seemed to slip and that must have been what made Ezra listen for once. His jaw ticked but he eventually turned and stormed out of the kitchen. 

I sighed, my shoulders dropping in relief. 

"You don't swear." 

I turned to Roman. "I know." 

"You're a little badass!" Julian piped up and my eyes shifted to him. "I mean, you're half our size but you absolutely terrify me! I didn't even know you had it in you!" 

I rolled my eyes and Roman scoffed. "Hey, man, stop selling yourself out." 

"I'm not afraid to admit that my little sister can beat my ass," Julian gestured to me, "I mean, look at her. Remember that one time she hooked Ezra's jaw and he had a nasty bruise for a week?"  

I blinked in disbelief. They usually always taunted me about how small I was, even though I wasn't actually much shorter than them, but I had never heard one of them admit I was capable of defending myself. Suddenly, a small rush of pride ran through me, and I found myself smiling at Julian. 

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