Part 34 || the truth

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I look at Taehyun since he knows I like Heeseung. He smiled slightly and nodded. I sighed and turned to Heeseung but I saw him looking angry while facing forward. Is he ok?

We played for a bit more and everyone was drunk already but I wasn't, just a bit dizzy. I looked at everyone and see each one of them drunk and barely even paying attention except for Yeji and Heeseung. I started getting dizzy but it was Sunghoon's turn to spin the bottle and it landed on me

Sunghoon: "o-ok y/- *hiccup* y/n *sniff* truth or *giggle* dare" he was totally drunk

Y/N: "truth"

Sunghoon: "who would you wanna date here?" He smiled before dropping to the floor

Jay: "come *hiccup* on y/n~ whoooo do you- *hiccup* like *giggle*" I didn't wanna answer cause he was still sober

Y/N: "I'll drink" I poured 2 shots but I was kinda hesitant. I drink this then I'll be drunk. Aishh I dont wanna tell them I like Heeseung. I gulped them down and a few seconds later my vision started getting blurry and I was kinda groggy. I was supposed to spin the bottle but I couldn't find it "guys *hiccup* *giggle* I cant find the *hiccup* bottle *giggle*" the other didn't care and ended up getting knocked out. Gosh I was totally wasted

Heeseung's POV

Y/n was totally drunk and so was everyone else except for me and Yeji.

Yeji: "I'll help y/n and Jake you take care of everyone else" I gave her a are-you-serious look

Heeseung: "you expect me to take care of 7 drunk guys?!"

Yeji: "yeah now go" ughhh she's so sassy and annoying sometimes. She brought Jake to his room and y/n to her room. I helped each one of the guys and laid them down on the foldable couch. Last one was Taehyun. Ughhh! I helped him up and as I laid him down he suddenly spoke

Taehyun: "you should * hiccup* confess already *giggle* I know you like her~" he said in a singing way but then passed out right away. What's he talking about? I shook my head and sat down on the empty space. Does he know I like her?

Yeji: "you're done?" She asked surprised

Heeseung: "yeah they're guys and I just threw them on the couch and placed a blanket over them it's easy"

Yeji: "you didn't even clean them up?" I gave her a questioner face

Heeseung: "you did?"

Yeji: "YES!" I sighed

Heeseung: "fine I'll clean them-"

Yeji: "no" she cut me off making me look at her "you go to y/n she's been saying your name while I was cleaning her" she has? I nodded and walked to her room. Why would y/n be saying my name? I entered her room and I saw her lying down under her blanket

Heeseung: "you're calling me?" She didn't respond so I guess she was sleeping. I sighed and stood up but she suddenly pulled my arm

Y/N: "don't leave me please" What is she saying? I sat back down and listened to her as she tightened her grip on my arm

Y/N: "Wait! Don't leave me!" She said while closing her eyes even tighter "wait... NO! COME BACK! N-no... please I love you too..." she loves someone?


My head really hurt and I was having that same awful dream again

Y/N: "what are you talking about? Where are you going? Wait! Don't leave me!" I said shouting as he started disappearing in front of me

Heeseung: "bye y/n I'll see you soon, I love you" he said before disappearing completely

Y/N: "wait... NO! HEESEUNG! COME BACK!" I said trying to look around for him. "N-no... please" I said crying on the floor in this empty white space.  "I love you too..." I started crying in my sleep. I remember his silhouette and his smile. I lightly opened my eyes and see a figure in front of me. Who is this? I was still kinda drunk so my vision was unclear. I squinted my eyes, wait this person had the same figure as the one in my dream... was it Heeseung?

Y/N: "Hee-Heeseung?" I said wanting to confirm if it was him.

Heeseung: "y/n!" He smiled but wait... that smile, that silhouette, that voice. Is Heeseung the one I-

Y/N: "AHHHHH!" My head hurt so much. The pain felt like someone was banging my head with a hammer. "ARGHH MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!" I said crying while shouting and holding my head hoping to stop it. Flashes started coming in my head

Mom: "I WISH YOU WERE NEVER MY DAUGHTER!" What? Is that my mom? Another flash came in my head

Heeseung: "My feelings that told me I love you" wait that's Heeseung!

Jake: "don't worry I'll take all the hits for you" hits for what? Another flash came


WHAT IS HAPPENING! I screamed even though no one can hear me. Who's hitting me?! Wait is that mom?!

Heeseung: "you know I'm just trying to help you!" Wait no! I remember this...

Y/N: "Heeseung wait! Please come back! I was just stressed! I'm sorry I yelled at you saying you invaded my privacy! Please come back!" I shouted as he was walking away slowly disappearing. NO! WHERE DID YOU GO!? HEESEUNG! Another flash came

Mom: "You think I wanted a daughter like you?! I wish I never had you!" She shouted at me

Heeseung: "I love you y/n"

*GASP* I opened my eyes and sat up

Heeseung's POV

Y/n started curling up and grabbing her head

Heeseung: "YEJI COME HERE!" She burst open the door and was shocked to see what was happening to her

Yeji: "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She said trying to help y/n calm down but it seemed like she didn't even notice us

Heeseung: "I don't know! She just called me and then opened her eyes a bit then suddenly her head started hurting after she looked at me" she widened her eyes

Yeji: "shit" she suddenly took her phone and called someone. I checked the caller ID and it was the doctor

Heeseung: "do you know something I don't?" I asked gripping her arm

Yeji: "stay out of this!" She said removing my hand from her arm. She gave up after the 5th time the doctor wasn't answering.

Heeseung: "TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING TO HER!" She ignored me and rushed to her

Y/N: "ARGHHH MAKE IT STOP!" She said gripping onto her head even more

Yeji tried helping her and shaking her to wake her up

Y/N: "Heeseung wait! Please come back! I was just stressed! I'm sorry I yelled at you saying you invaded my privacy! Please come back!" She yelled. Wait how could she know that? Only y/n- *gasp*

Heeseung: "how does she know that?" I asked Yeji while raising my voice but she just ignored me "I SAID HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT?!" I shouted at her


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