Chapter Four: The Rebellious Battle

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Hey, its me Xavier. I really hope you came back. Oh! I knew you would. Great. Just finished dinner with Nella. Glad to see you kept your end of the bargain. Anyways, you remember where I was before I left right? Oh right, what we were planning to do with our Luke situation. Right. Okay, you ready? Good because here we go. Fasten your seatbelt reader. Its about to go down, I promise. 

Anyways, you remember what happened to Luke right? No? Okay let me catch you up again. To shorten the very long story, Luke was captured by L and his soldiers while we were dispersing the LEA's among people in town as well as putting them up around the town. Anyways, we hadn't noticed until we got back to base. But remember what I found when we got back? No again? I found a commander pin Luke had left me that when put on, changes to bulletproof armor and a fancy look on my suit now. Which by the way, looked pretty good while I wielded the plasma sword/revolver invention as well as the pen sword invention as well but more on that later. 

Anyways, we had to come up with a plan. And rather quickly too. So the rest of that day, we had sat down and come up with a plan to rescue Luke and figure out how to take out L and hopefully for good this time. This time, there could not be any more mistakes, any more errors, or any more accidents. We had to rescue Luke and put an end to all of this chaos once and for all. 

The plan was simple. At least in discussion form anyways. The actual execution of the plan was way more complex than we had it planned. We definitely were not prepared for what happened next but just wait and see reader. It gets good from here, I promise you that. Anyways, back to the- god can I even call this a story anymore? Biography maybe? I don't know anymore, but you know what I mean and what I am referring to. 

We set out that night in the SUV, closer to midnight than we had originally planned. Everyone was on edge more than we should have been, especially on a rescue mission. We didn't get to the outskirts of L's grounds until almost dawn. It was at least a 5 hour ride from where our camp was to his grounds. We could not go right up to his lair, because we had a feeling he knew we would be coming or he already knew we were on the way now. Especially since he had Luke. Unfortunately we were not prepared for the sheer number of forces he had left out on watch for us. It was almost like he placed all of his forces on the outskirts of his castle and wanted them to wait for us. Now this castle, was unlike anything you could imagine. We had always seen it from afar but up close, we learned there were lava waterfalls!!! And at least four towers all just on the front side alone! His castle was huge!!! Way bigger than anyone could have even thought of before we had arrived. 

Saving Luke was going to be a massive rescue mission and the plan definitely was going to need improving on the spot. We had stepped out the SUV for about a minute or so and then we heard it. The booming, the clapping, and the banging. And then it started. The screaming and chanting. They were coming. We were not sure how many but we knew they were on the way. How they knew we were close was uncertain but they knew. And we were ready. Or so we thought. We were flooded almost instantly. Hundreds of thousands came over the hill and we all drew our weapons. I had my plasma blade/revolver on my back and my pen sword in hand. We were swarmed almost in seconds. Nella by my side, and the rest of the team spread out in line with us. The soldiers took out a lot at the start, and Nella managed to kill off a few. But, remember how I was recently injured? Yeah, it started to kick in right around this time which was seriously not helpful. I crumbled to the ground and Nella, who had moved further into the battle, heard my cries and ran to me. She slid to the scene and began to swing at anyone who tried to hit me from the ground. 

Axes were flying towards me, and I dodged from side to side desperate to get out of the way and avoid being hit. All of a sudden, the screaming and the clanging just stopped. Everyone looked towards the castle and all the soldiers were retreating towards the castle gates. They were retreating. But why? I couldn't get up from the ground. I was done for. I could not keep fighting and everyone knew it well. I was so mad with myself that I allowed it to happen. Nella helped me up and assured me they would get Luke and bring him back safe. She and Shuri helped me to the SUV and got me comfortable. But at the same time, I knew what was in the SUV. I was not completely out of the fight just yet. I had Nella gather everyone back to the SUV. I pressed a hidden button and released the monitor displays with my hologram keyboard underneath the monitors. I handed everyone an earpiece and a camera that strapped to their vests. I ran a test on all of them to make sure they worked before sending everyone out. The fight did not start until the team made it to the castle walls. Surprisingly, Nella got the drawbridge down in a record 1:35:23! A whole minute and a half and she had the breach in tight. 

They were inside. Surprisingly, it looked nothing like we had expected. For a villain lair, it was really nice inside. Super technological by the way, but like it was 2045, what else would you expect? Anyways, the team got inside and found Luke really quickly. He was alive, but his condition was not good. L definitely tortured him judging by the blood on his face and chest. He had a huge gash down his torso, going from his collarbone to his waist. Nothing human could have done that. So what exactly L had hidden away was something we could not have been prepared for. 

Luke had been hung up in the chambers where I assume the soldiers were created but I could not tell for sure without being in the room physically. Nella and Shuri pressed two buttons and they brought Luke down. That was one problem taking care of. But why hadn't L shown his face yet? It was odd how he had not made an appearance. I mean, our team was in his castle, on his territory at that. I had spoken too soon though. Once Luke came down off the hanging straps, everyone was locked into a laser cage that fell right on top of the team. I banged on the seat hard. The mission crashed. Now everyone was stuck in the castle. And here I was playing injured in the SUV. I had to do something. This mission could not end this way. I grabbed the first aid and patched myself up. 

Yes, by the way technology improved so all I had to do was just bring the bottle up to my side and it auto sprayed and patched me up and healed my wounds. Tech is actually pretty awesome and has been since The Collapse. Before L showed up and took everything over for his own power gain. I grabbed my weapons and one more invention I had not brought up to the team. It was a remote EMP device merged with a launcher built with EMP ammunition and explosive rounds as well. 

I headed inside and looked around trying to match what I had seen on the cameras with what I see in front of me now. I remembered that the group had turned left a few times and then a few rights but I wasn't clear on what order. It took me a few minutes but once I had gathered my bearings, he appeared. Of course, he knew I would come in to help save my friends. Except, he wasn't alone. He floated above me in his throne, surrounding me with troops on the bridge I was on below him. I had never been in person near him, I had only heard his deep menacing voice over his propaganda through screens around town. Just being here, hearing his voice through my ears directly, sent chills down my back. The jokes he made that day still haunt me. About how he would kill me, and how he would torture Nella and make me watch as I could not do anything. Yeah, L was not human at all. He was a monster. And the things he did just proved that he was a monster.

I brushed off his remarks, and fought with everything I could against L's soldiers. Hundreds, thousands came bolting down the bridge at me and I fought them by myself. I decided there was only one thing to do. I put the badge Luke had given me on and watched as the armor came to life around my body. I snickered a little and pulled out my plasma blade. I started with the side behind me and then moved to the opposite side. Within minutes I had taken every soldier out, and it was just me and L now. He was still above me though so, that was kind of a problem in itself. But he wasn't my priority right now. Saving everyone else was the mission. L would get what was coming to him. I clicked the button on the blade handle and converted it to the revolver. I fired in his direction and he shot his throne straight upwards, sending him out of the top of the castle towers and outside. I ran to the room and front of me and found the team, still locked in the giant cage that had fallen down on them. I pulled out one of my EMP bombs and shorted the lasers long enough for everyone to get out before they reactivated. I gave Nella a hug and one of the longest kisses I had given her up to that point. I told the team the mission was over and we needed to leave. We all ran towards the exit but sure enough it was easier said than done. 

But anyways, I won't say more just yet. You know the drill reader. If you want to know what happens, keep reading. I assure you, things are getting good. Yes, the climax hasn't even started yet, but we're getting there I promise. Besides, Nella's calling me again. It's finally our anniversary so, we're gonna do our thing tonight. Don't go far, I'll be back and I hope you're here when I return. If not, then you'll miss a really good story and definitely missing how this adventure ended. But, that's your choice. Stay tuned, I won't be long. This is Xavier, signing out for now. Talk to you soon, reader.

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