Chapter Two: What am I?

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Hello again. It's me Xavier again. I see you're still here which means you want to hear what happened next. I applaud your interest in hearing my story. Well since you're already here, let's continue.

As you know already, Nella and I were headed to my friend Luke's hidden base for sanctuary until we had a plan in place to make our next move. We arrived at Luke's place the same evening we left Miami. Luke had a small underground base just a few miles outside of Miami. So that's where Nella and I were headed. When we got there we ran into Luke almost immediately. Funny story, his guards almost shot us and he happened to come out and say something before they did. Luke led the two of us inside and Nella went to explore while Luke and I caught up. We hadn't seen each other in years and now I just randomly had shown up. He knew there was something going on since I just showed up and I had forgotten to let him know I was coming. I filled him in on what was going on in Miami and how people were going crazy to try and protest what L was doing for this country and Luke nodded as he listened, understanding everything. I told him about how I've been doing weird things lately and he looked at me strangely. When I told him that I killed to soldiers with a green flame with the palm of my hand he looked at me like I was crazy.

Of course he didn't understand. How could he believe me? It seemed really unusual of a thing to say to someone. And I know its the future, but its not something anybody has seen before so it was obvious he was going to question it. I tried my best to explain it to him, but even I didn't really know what it was so it was hard to tell anybody else. But I explained what I could to him what I knew I could and he told me not to tell anybody else about it. At the time I was confused why he had said that to me. But now, I understand why he had said that to me. It didn't make sense then, but let me tell you, it made so much sense later on down the path but we'll get to that soon enough.

By the time we finished our conversation, Nella had explored everything she was able to and she came back to where me and Luke had been the whole time. He asked me why I came to him specifically and I had told him I had a plan and I needed guns and soldiers. He nodded almost instantly and knew what I meant. He had told me to follow him to the meeting room and we could discuss the plan and that Nella could come too since she was in on this now too. We both followed Luke down several hallways and eventually stopped in front of a large metal door with a security lock that could only be opened with a card of some sort. We went inside the room and he went over to the corner and rummaged in a drawer and tossed Nella and I two of the cards he had used to unlock the door we had just come through. He told us since we would most likely be here for some time we should have them.

We both nodded at him and then sat down in the chairs next to him when he motioned us to sit down. Four of five others came into the room after we sat down and one by one they introduced themselves. There was Matthew, or Matt for short. He was in charge of the armory and dealt with anything weapon related. Sheri, was a technology specialist and usually modified the guns or was working on some sort of new technology for Luke. Stephen was the head of Luke's militia group.Sam and Phillip were his assistants with the militia and then a few soldiers stepped in after them. There was Roberto, Frank, Brayden, Elizabeth, and Josh. They were all high ranking soldiers which is why they were able to stop in with us. Luke started off the meeting by introducing Nella and I to the group and then told everyone why we came and then handed off the talking to us to let us tell everyone what was going on.

I had felt Nella grab my hand under the table and give a little squeeze signaling that she wanted me to speak for us. So I gave a little squeeze back to let her know I would and then stood up. I had cleared my throat and then had begun speaking. I had told the group about what L was doing to the people of Miami and how it may have been happening elsewhere too. I told them all how we needed to fight back against L because his reign of terror was becoming too much for his own greed rather than him doing it for the people. I went over how his soldiers were attacking innocent people rather than the people actually making bad decisions and how innocent people were dying because of it. I remember the faces of everyone as I spoke. They were disgusted, and horrified that these things were happening not to far from them.

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