Part 20. Cops

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I STOOD INFRONT OF THE WINDOW WITH SAWYER BEHIND ME looking down at Dini's car where Will was completely trashing it. Dini was getting pissed from behind us as Doug held her back from going outside the hotel and beating Will half to death.

Sawyer crossed his arms "He isn't worth it" he told Dini as he glared out the window "The police just pulled up." Sure enough, blue lights flashed outside, and we watched as they took Will and smashed him against the police car to cuff him.

"I can't believe you called the cops."

He smirked as he looked down at me "Would you rather I go down there and beat him myself?" he asked, I shook my head no.

"Hopefully, his parents can't get him out of this" I mumbled as Sawyer wrapped an arm around me. Dini, who was still angry, crossed her arms looking at the window.

"If they do, I will wait outside the courthouse with a ball-bat and crowbar!"

Doug rolled his eyes at his sister "Come on, tough broad, let's get you to your room" he said, dragging her from Sawyer's room with Zeke following behind them.

Zeke tipped his imaginary hat and chuckled "Good night, you two" he said with a wink which caused me to roll my eyes and Sawyer to glare as the door closed.

Well, it was almost a pleasant night.

I looked up at Sawyer and hesitated before starting to grab my purse "Maybe I should go to mine and Dini's-" he reached out and put a hand on my arm.

"Please stay. Not to ... do anything, just so I can watch you? I don't feel right letting you go to your room alone. Not while you feel as sad as you do."

"And how do I feel?" I questioned him as I stared up at him. He moved his body closer towards me and looked down at me.

"Scared. Heartbroken. Useless. And most of all, like you just had your heart ripped out of your chest." As he spoke, his eyes displayed a sadness that I could relate to.

At that moment, I felt like he knew all of those feelings. Like he knew me. Maybe he was like Dinah had said.

A match.

"Okay." With that whisper, he knew he had me.


My eyes opened to a white ceiling, and an arm draped over me. I rolled over a bit to see Sawyer with his head buried in the pillows, all I could see was his arm and his hair, which was falling over his face and neck.

Slowly, I moved his hair from his dreaming face to see his eyes closed and notice that his face was even more handsome when he was sleeping, a smile formed on my lips as I let his hair fall back into his face.

I gently removed his arm from around me and stood up to stretch, I was wearing the pajamas I had borrowed the night I forgot my keycard and was locked out of my hotel.

Behind me, I heard a movement on the bed followed by a groan and turned to look. Sawyer was lying down on his back looking up at me, no expression on his face as his eyes traveled my body.

If I said this made me uncomfortable, I would be telling the truth. But it wasn't about Sawyer looking me over, it was because of my body.

I wasn't as skinny as Dinah, yet I wasn't overweight, I was in between (part of me blames that whopper eating contest my school had in eleventh grade) it made me uncomfortable to wear a bikini without a cover-up or tank top over it.

Dinah says I'm being silly and that I look great, but I cannot help but be a little insecure about my weight, especially with a guy checking me out.

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