Part 26. Not a Novel

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I was in one of those romantic novels that I hated so much. That is what this had to be. This wasn't real, this was a dream, a work of fiction. But no, it proved me wrong the moment I opened my eyes and felt his arm draped over me.

Sunlight shining through the window across the bed I was laying in, a guy hiding his face into the pillow snoring loudly with his arm wrapped around me, I turned over and looked at him proud that I bought a new bra, especially a decent one, I looked at his face under his hair and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

I let myself get lost in his handsome face -what I could see of it anyway- and my eyes wandered over his back that was moving up from breathing. I let myself smile as I watched him for a minute.

I wiggled out from under his stronghold and grabbed a white shirt that was laying on the floor; I pulled it on and smelled it; it smelled like his cologne and hung just above my knees; I smiled as I walked to my crossbody purse and grabbed my wallet before snatching up the hotel phone and pressing the number for room service.

With an order sent for breakfast and charged to my bank card, I walked over to the bed and sat down next to his sleeping body.

His tanned skin looked glorious in the sunlight coming through the window, from how he slept it sprawled his hair out over his face leaving me to admire his muscled body and watch him breathe in his sleep. I smiled as I watched him, the sweet, tall, emotion showing, striking stranger I had only met one week and so many days ago.

The guy I just had sex with.

I froze in my thoughts, my eyes widening at that. I had- Oh geez; I had sex! I stood up from the bed and put my hands to my mouth as I looked between him and the door; I stumbled around and stepped on an open packet for a condom, thank the Lord, I thought with a blush rising onto my face. I found my phone in my purse and typed a message to Dini.


With my heart racing, I turned around to find the half-empty pizza box and cans of coke and beer laying beside his side of the bed, I put a hand to my head "What was I thinking?" I whispered to myself.

My phone buzzed, and I opened the message as quickly as my hands would let me only get annoyed.

Dini: Congratulations! Welcome to the club.

You little- I sighed and ran a hand down my face as I got ready to reply to my cousin who loved making fun of me in situations.

Shut up. Remember one of Will's threats, genius? I pressed send and heard Sawyer groan; I turned around and found him starting to sit up in bed. He opened his eyes and saw me, a smile spread onto his face as he stared at me.

Looking at his hair, which looked like a rat's nest, made me laugh as my phone buzzed. I ignored it and walked over to him. He gave a lopsided smile as he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me down to his lap.

"I think I could get used to seeing you dressed like that."

I wrapped an arm around his neck, "Yeah? I think I could get used to seeing your hair messed up like that. Tell me, storyteller, is that a new style?" I teased as he wrapped his arms around me and gave a look as if in thought to which I laughed.

He pressed a kiss to my cheek and smiled a genuine smile as he looked at me and put his forehead to mine. "Darlin', I hope you ordered breakfast because I am starving," he said with a yawn, I shrugged and stood up from his lap, him trying to pull me back down to him.

"Maybe. I guess we will see, huh?"

I could feel his eyes on me as I walked back to the dresser and picked up my phone, I opened the new message from Dini and sighed.

Dini: He. Is. In. Jail! Screw him ... wait, don't you might catch a disease. His threats are dull, leave him in the past. Also, I cannot believe you did it! With Sawyer-boy! Details when you get back to the room ;).

Geez, Dinah, I groaned and put a hand to my head, not bothering to reply to that.

I put my phone on top of my crossbody as a knock came on the door. I went to the door and found a woman outside it with two trays of food; I took the breakfast plates from her and closed the door behind me. I walked into the room where Sawyer laid on the bed and put the plates down.

He opened his lid and found gravy, bacon, eggs, and a biscuit. I opened mine and got pancakes with bacon; I smiled happily as I poured the little cup of syrup over the pancakes and ate the bacon.

Sawyer smiled as he watched me. He shook his head and ate his food. "I like a woman who loves food."

I licked syrup off my lips from the pancakes and gave him a smirk "I like a man that likes football" I said and paused waiting for his reply.

He shrugged, "It's a good thing I like football, baseball, hockey, and even soccer then," he said, cutting his fork into his eggs. I pointed my fork at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Yeah. Women's Soccer." He sent me a wink, and I laughed with a shake of my head. No matter what, almost every guy will be ... well, a guy. And I am okay with that, as long as the guy knows who he is with.

We finished our food and talked almost half of the day away as we laid in his hotel bed propped up on one arm looking at each other. I could feel my heartbeat quicken every time he touched me or kissed me. When I was in his embrace I felt protected and happy as we laid like that.

But, just like Cinderella's ball, my happiness had to end because I had to go back to my hotel room.

I got dressed in the clothes I had worn over the day before and Sawyer ran a hand through his hair as he tried to pull it back away from his face; I came out of the bathroom and walked over to where he stood in front of the dresser. I wrapped my arms around his stomach -since that was where I reached- and I looked at him through the mirror, giving a slight smile.

He watched me in the mirror and gave a slight smile back. I think we were both thinking the same thing.

Where does this leave us after the vacation?

Sawyer took a deep breath and turned to wrap an arm around me as he walked me to the door, he kept his grip on me tight. I looked up at him, "Want to go down to the beach tomorrow?" I asked as we got to his door. He opened it and smiled down at me, "We can watch surfers and eat a burger."

"What time should I stop by your room and pick you up?" He asked, leaning on the door.

I thought on that for a minute, "About two? Give me time to sleep before we go?" I said, causing him to chuckle as he leaned down to my height and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"See you tomorrow, beautiful."

After I said goodbye, I walked away, and he shut the door. I felt like I was on cloud nine as I walked down the hall and run upon the woman with her poodle, yet again; she raised an eyebrow at me, and I sent a smirk at her.

She stuck up her nose and went to unlock her room, I spoke up "That the other day wasn't a one-night stand. This wasn't either, don't go around gossiping to the hotel staff, now" she huffed as she got her door open, and, after she entered, I laughed as I basically danced down the hall to my room.

(Question of the day: What is your favorite thing to do during the summer? Go in the Pool or Tanning?)

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