Tips To Be Productive

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It's so easy to get distracted by your phone or when watching things. There's been many a time that I will be watching a show and when I look at the clock, three hours have passed. 

So, here are my tips on how to be the most productive while still doing what you want.

1) Narrow down your list to what you know you can do

-If you have to do one million things, don't try to get them all done in one day. It's impossible. Narrow it down to things that are time sensitive and things that are most important. For example, I have to write an outline for English, do a section in math, read five chapters of my book for school, I want to write for my books on Wattpad, I need to do a load of laundry, and I need to ice my knee. I've got a lot of things to do, but I can prioritize what needs to be done first. I don't have to write for Wattpad because I can do that any time, and I have until tomorrow to read the rest of my book. So I can already take those two off of my list for today. 

2) Multitask

-I like to multitask because it makes me feel like I'm always doing things. Using my example, I can ice my knee and write my outline for English. I'd like to get some math done, but my teacher said that I don't need to worry about it. But when I finish icing my knee, I can take a break from my outline and I can start a load of laundry. Rather than listening to music, I can listen to an audio version of my book. This way, I'm hitting two birds with one stone. I'm using my time wisely. But don't try to do one million things at once. Because that's not productive, that will just stress you out. 

3) Take breaks

-It is very rare that I will find myself taking a break. But sometimes it's necessary. To give my brain a break, I can watch a show for 20 minutes and maybe fold some laundry. I don't like to sit still, but by doing this I can be distracted without losing track of time and feeling like I'm wasting time. 

4) Do stuff before lunch

-I like to procrastinate. I like to put things off to the last minute. So, starting in the morning is a good way to be productive and not procrastinate. Your brain is fresher and stronger in the morning. By doing most of your harder work or the harder things you need to do in the morning, it sets the theme of the day. It will also help you while managing your time. 

5) Have good habits

-Starting the morning off by eating breakfast and having a cup of tea will start your day off well. Making sure that you are aware of your time. Setting out your clothes for the next day will help save you that 20 minutes in the morning that you could've spent doing something else. When I get out of bed, the first thing I do is brush my teeth, then I braid my hair to get it out of the way. By doing this, I don't have to worry about doing my hair at the last minute. 

6) Try to stay off devices

-I'm not very good at this. Every time that you get a notification, it's out of habit to look at your phone. Turn off notifications and silence your phone. You don't need to be sucked into your phone for three hours, when you need to do things. Try to keep yourself from getting distracted. Keep yourself busy, but not so busy that you can't handle it. Keep it all balanced. 

Hope these help, 

Joy (Silhouette_Girl13)

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