Part 7

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Emily went to bed around 8 and now Harry and I are watching a movie, he has his head resting in my lap and my fingers running through his curls and he keeps humming every now and again so I know he's enjoying it and if I stop he whines. He rolls over and looks at me so I stop moving my fingers but I keep them in his hair.

"You're so beautiful you know" he smiles at me whilst his eyes go all around my face. I looked into his eyes and they were a lot brighter than usual and they were really green, he had this sparkle in his eyes which I couldn't quite work out what it was but it was beautiful to see. I had been so distracted by his eyes that I didn't notice what he said. he smiled and I shook my head. "you wasn't listening was you love?" I shook my head again and some of my hair fell down past my face and as though it was an instinct Harry's hand reached up to push it behind my ear and I smiled down at him.

Harry's hand slowly started making its way back down to his stomach when I grabbed it to look at his rings he didn't have many but I knew he liked the ones he had which made me smile. he removed his hand from mine and got up but his hands quickly found my waist and he lifted me so he could lay on the couch on his back and he put me on top of his waist.

"Mr Styles, you better not have any inappropriate thoughts while I'm sitting on your lap" I raise my eyebrows at him and he chuckles at me shaking his head and his curls tousling on top of his head, he looked really cute while he did it though. His eyes meet mine and he brings me to lay down on top of him, I got worried I was too heavy at first but then I remembered that Harry lifted me effortlessly off the couch.

"your so gorgeous" Harry says whilst grabbing a bit of my hair and twirling a piece in between his fingers. "I like your hair like this, but I still think you look pretty all natural you know, like baggy clothes, no makeup and your hair in a messy bun" I can feel my eyes start to water. Harry is so sweet, none of my boyfriends ever complimented me or appreciated me as much as he does. I raise my head from his chest and looked at him, he saw my eyes watering and a tear escaped my face and a look of panic spread across his face. "shit babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry I'm so sorry" he pulls me closer to his chest and cuddles me, I hug him back then I pull away and he looks at me with a concerned look on his face. His hands cup my face and his thumbs wipe across the skin to get rid of the tears and the tear stains on my face. I nuzzle my face into his hands and I see the corners of his mouth rise a little.

"Thank you Harry, that was so sweet of you, no one has ever complimented me that much before" he looks at me with a look that says 'explain'. I smile and nod. "so none of my ex's really complimented me, I guessed I liked it when you did because I never get compliments like the ones you give me. most of the compliments I get are ones about my tits or my ass when I go out with Bella." he nods in an appreciative way, I guess he kind of gets the same thing. People don't see him as Harry Styles the cute boy from a small town of Cheshire, they see him as Harry Styles the hot one out of One Direction. "My most recent ex, Emily's father wasn't great either, he um... he used to do stuff to me before Emily was born" my eyes water again and Harry pulls me into him again.

"shhh, its okay baby, take your time" I cuddle closer into him as I cry. Why do I feel so comfortable talking about this with Harry, I've known him for a month and a bit now and we've got to know each other through FaceTime. I thought it would be a lot more awkward when he got here but it's not. I'm really sitting on Harry's lap cuddling with him right now and he is comforting me.

"I almost lost Emily" I started crying so heavily and Harry started rubbing his hands up and down my back. "my ex boyfriend, Emily's father, he ummm, he got violent when I told him about her" he stopped moving and pulled back grabbing my hands in his rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles.

"you didn't deserve that love, if it was me I would've been happy knowing that my beautiful girlfriend was having my baby" he smiled at me and my eyes widened at what he said. "if I'm being honest" he said and I nodded. "at this moment in time if I was having a kid with anyone I'd want it to be you" my heart stopped and he smiled at me. "you don't have to say anything back to that I just wanted you to know" I nodded.

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