Part 19

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Harry's pov:

Bella is such a sweet girl, I'm glad her and mads are friends. I think Bella found it weird at first how close ems is to me. Emily became attached to me very quickly and it surprised me at first. After Bellas little cry she stayed for a couple more hours before Mads went to drop her home. That left me and Emily alone in the apartment. I was sitting on the couch replying to a few tweets when Emily comes and lays on my lap.

"Hey princess, what's wrong?" She giggles and then hands me a piece of paper. I take it from her slowly and look at what she had drawn. In the picture it was Mads, Emily and I stood with our sunflower and a little puppy. I look at Ems, "you want a puppy don't you?" She nods with a smile on her face. I pick her up and make her sit on my lap facing me. "How about I speak to mummy yeah?" She nods and wraps her arms round me, she stays with her head on my shoulder and arms round my neck for quiet a while before I realise she's fallen asleep. I grab my phone again and take a quick photo of her before wrapping my arms round her back and holding her while watching to random show on the tv.

Mads pov:

I walk through the front door to not hear anything? It was way to quiet, I walk through to see Harry laying on the couch with Emily laying on his stomach, both asleep and Harry snoring quietly. I smile at them and sit next to them, slowly playing with Harry's curls that rest against his shoulders. He starts to stir and I freeze before playing with his curls again. I see his phone light up with a call from Niall. I smile as I see the photo Harry has saved for Niall and I pick Harry's phone up and walk to the kitchen answering it. "Hey Niall its Mads" I say quietly and I hear Niall say "Mads oh hey how are you" I smile. "I'm good, Harry is asleep right now, did you need him?" I say quietly looking round the corner to check they are both still asleep which they are. "Yeah kinda, he's needed in the studio in about an hour" I nod even though he can't see me. "Okay Niall ill wake him up and let him know." Niall thanks me and we end the call, I walk back to Harry to go wake him up.

"H" I whisper and shake his shoulder. "Harry" I say a bit louder and his eyes open slowly. He smiles when he sees me and I play with his curls again. "Hey baby" he whispers, seeing that Ems is still asleep on his chest. "I just spoke to Niall, you're needed in the studio in an hour" he nods slowly and rubs his eyes picking ems up and carefully lays her on the couch. He stands up and walks to the bedroom, I follow him to see him putting his hair up into a man bun and this is the first time I'm seeing his man bun and I bite my bottom lip. How can he be this hood looking? It's really not fair. Harry catches me staring and smirks walking over to me and he leans in pecking my lips a few times. "I love you" he whispers and I smile into the kiss. Harry walks out the room going to put his shoes on and I take a minute to compose myself before walking out to find him.

"I'll be back my love" he whispers and comes over to me wrapping his arms round my waist. I nod and he leans in slowly kissing my lips a few times before letting go and walking towards the door, walking out and closing it quietly behind him. I sigh and walk to the couch to where ems is still sleeping, I sit scrolling through Instagram, I look at the post Anne posted of me and Harry sleeping and I reply to a couple comments before Emily wakes up and looks at me. "Mummy" she says quietly, I look at her and picked her up putting her on my lap. "Hey baby" I kiss her head softly and she cuddles into me, "mummy where's Daddy?" I smile as she calls him that, I know she adores Harry more than anyone in the world. "He's at the studio with the boys baby, he has work to do" She nods and goes to her room and comes back a couple seconds later with bugsy in her hands and comes and sits next to me cuddling into my side with bugsy under her arm. "Do you wanna watch a movie baby?" She nods and we put the little mermaid on.


4:35 am

Harry still isn't home, I've tried calling him and texting him, I called Louis and he says he was back home a couple hours ago, the boys went out for drinks after finishing the album and some meetings. I was a bit upset Harry didn't tell me he was going out for drinks, but I'm more worried about where he could be. I put Emily to bed about half 8 and expected Harry to be in slightly after that since he never misses saying goodnight to Ems. I had to hold her whilst she cried that Harry wasn't there...

I sit in my room on my bed, trying to distract myself by watching tv, I feel the coldness of my tears running down my cheek I wipe it away and get up going to the bathroom and I turn the bath on, I put a bath bomb in and wait for the water to fill up. I look at myself in the mirror sighing. My puffy bloodshot eyes from all the crying and the makeup all down my face. I take a makeup remover wipe and begin taking my makeup off, I get half way through before a tweet notification that breaks my heart comes through, I click on it to see Harry with Kendall Jenner on a article. I start to read it but soon enough I can't see my vision goes blurry from my teary eyes. I throw my phone at the wall and then sink down to the floor. I sit on the floor crying... why is he out with Kendall? I thought their thing was over and Harry loved me? I guess not. I break down into tears more the suddenly I hear foot steps outside the bathroom.

Harry's pov:

I come back in to a silent apartment, I walk through the hallway expecting Mads and Ems to be asleep, I feel so guilty for what just happened, I walking towards Emily's room and open the door slightly to check on her, seeing her with bugsy under her arm and her hair sprawled out across the pillow, I smile walking in and kissing the top of her head, I walk away slowly into Mads room and see the bed is still made? Where is she? Surely she wouldn't leave Ems on her own. All my questions get answered as I hear crying in the bathroom, I walk to the door as fast as I can and walk in seeing Mads on the floor crying. "Sunflower?" I go to hold her hand and she shakes me away. "No Harry go away, I don't want to see you" my heart hurts as soon as I hear her say that.

"What why? Sunflower what happened?" I look round the bathroom and see her phone all smashed up on the floor, I look back at her and pull her into my arms, she starts to fight it off but then gives up and just collapses into my chest crying and punching me. "What did I do baby? Please tell me so I can fix it" I kiss the top of her head. She shakes her head and cries into my chest. I hold her tight, whispering I'm sorry. "Check twitter" she mumbles when she isn't crying as much and I take my phone out my pocket seeing it's dead. "Baby my phones dead, what was on it?" I sat quietly and hold her tight as I'm afraid of what she's going to say. I feel her take a deep breath before she speaks. "You and Kendall out together" she says quietly and I shake my head then pulling her face up to look at me. "Madelyn" I whisper and her eyes meet my green ones. It breaks my heart seeing her cry, seeing her all broken and not feeling okay, but this one is my cause. "I was out with Kendall because she called me asking if I could take her to the hospital, Kylie is having her baby and Kendall didn't have a car she could drive, hers is getting fixed. Someone having a baby is an important thing sunflower I couldn't say no"

she nods slowly and I take a deep breath. "If it was Bella who needed to get somewhere urgently, you'd help her wouldn't you angel?" She nods again and I sigh. "I love you so much Mads, nothing comes between us okay? You're all I need forever and always" I kiss her nose softly and it brings a small smile onto her face

Sweetest creatureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora