Chapter 30: Slytherin

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"No. We - uh - actually... I'll let Caden answer to that." I looked at Caden so he had Ryan's attention. He looked at me as his jaw clenched and I knew murder was written in his green eyes. Smiling with an apologetic smile, I cleared my throat and waited for him to answer.

Sorry, Caden.

He began stuttering "We... actually... were... on research. Yeah, research." Ryan asked "Research for what?" Caden let out a tractor sound with his lips as he thought of an answer "On the search for... what percentage can you smell the sweat in the boys' locker room."

First of all, eww. Second of all, way to go Caden. And third of all, DISGUSTING!

He kept talking "And I think it's about 97 percent. Ya know. With all the whole sweaty s-stuff." Caden looked at me "What do you think, Sage?"

Way to put me under the spotlight. Dumb ass.

I cleared my throat "97.3 I'd said. Gotta love research." Ryan rolled his eyes "Weirdos. Anyway, I was looking for you, Caden." Caden asked, "Why me?" He sighed "My birthday is coming up tomorrow and Damon planned a party tonight. He asked me to invite you to the party." Looking at me "You could even bring your weird friend too." I smiled "Umm.. thanks?"

"Hmm, anyway, I'm off to take a shower. Peace."

He looked at me for the last time and not in a good way and walked into the locker room behind us. I whispered "Invite us? Why would he invite us and who's Damon?" Caden scrunched up his nose "My ex. Not my finest moments with him. Our relationship consisted more of me calling him stupid and him punching the walls more often. I don't know why he would invite me. I thought he hated me. We haven't spoken in over a year." I said "Maybe it's not Damon. Maybe it's Ryan inviting us, lying to us that Damon is inviting us. It's the perfect plan to get us both there, Caden. To attack us."

"But to attack us, why would he invite us?"

"That..." and then I realized I didn't have an answer "I don't know."

The bell rang and we started walking towards the corridor to our next class when a brilliant plan popped into my mind. I turned around, stepping in front of him making him shriek in surprise because he was already lost in his thoughts "What if we broke into his house?" He put a hand on his heart, trying to catch his breath from the fright I cost him "Never do that again!" He whispered "And why would we break into his house? Sage, you know we could go to jail for this."

"It's not like we're stealing anything, Caden. Just looking around for clues."

"Sage, we shouldn't. I know it's tempting because it is, but no."

"Come on, Caden. If he is the one we're looking for, he doesn't deserve to be treated like a basic human being."

I knew what I said was harsh but you know that I'm not wrong. Ryan doesn't deserve anything good in his life. He didn't even deserve you at all.

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