chapter 6 hero traing and mineta expelled

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As two days after bakugo lost to izuku for alpha title. Bakugo got yell by pros for his stupid attempt, plus his parents found out what he did to izuku and girl he date. But for students of 1a,  they or become 2a went they trasin to pass exam, everyone is exciting, but mineta.
Mineta:'damn midorya, those two girls are suppose to be in my harem, now I am going to take them away from you'.
As his evil plan is forming. This plan will get him Kill soon.

As izuku have two girls snuggle to to him, they won't let's go their future husband.
Aizawa: izuku, some people want to see you, meet us at training ground in area c.
To momo and jiro upset, izuku tell them he will comeback. As they got their in 30 minutes,  everyone get in their hero training. Mineta look around, get a lust potion, that give person fell need of sex.
Mineta:'midorya I will gets your girls and other to obey me, a harem king haaaaaaa'.
But ilda and kirishimia look at mineta suspension about his looks, they told Mr. Aizwa about as everyone leaves. Mr aizwaw confronted mineta, and look at his pants is lumpy in pocket.
Aizawa: mineta what's is in pockets
Mineta nervous: what ate you talking about?
Aizawa: do you think I'm stupid, what's is in your pants.
Mineta look at everyone, and he yell
Mineta: NO I will not be arrest!
As he throw his purple orb at random, it actually blind side students and teachers,( ok i know aizwaw is pro, but hero's can be blind side by attack, like mineta. He thinks he is weak to do anything, so never see at random object throw at them.)
Everyone cover in one of stickiness, girls as well two.
Mineta: years, I will fulfill my dream to become harem king!
Girls got scare, while boys try to help but they are stuck.
Boys: mineta what the hell are you doing?
Aizwa: why are you doing this?
Mineta: the girls won't come to me, and now I am going to force them to fell in love with me!
Girls: we never love a rapists!
Mineta: doesn't matter once I give you lust potion, you need to have sex, and I will fuck all of you haaaaaaa.
Everyone(He actually lost it)
Mineta: now I start with momo and jiro, two beautiful girls can't go with monster.
As he walk slowly to them, and throw pink stuff on them, and both yell
Mineta: haaaa, he will never make on time. now is time force you to become
A fists hit him hard to wall
Everyone: Izuku!!!!

30 minutes before izukubit shut out of him.
Izuku walk in meet weird people again, and he saw his mom
Izuku: mom
Inko: izuku
They have wonderful reunion, then scientists ask them to do this another time.
Dr.rex: ok midorya I like to what happen to you.
Izuku look and tell
Izuku: when I was sent to prsion, but my body begin to change and cause police car to crash, as I got out, i went sea.
Dr.rex: but why sea?
Izuku: I don't know, but felt I belong there to protect my area.
All scientists look and ready tell truth.
Dr.rex: izuku I going tell you who is your father.
Izuku: my father?
Mr.rex: Miss Inko will you tell him?
Inko look at her son and tell truth who is his father and how she got his DNA.
As few minutes pass, izuku stood their shock, his father a king of the monster.
Izuku: mom pleased don't ever do that again, that was dangoures( he still care for his mother well-being)
Every person: agreed
Izuku about say somthing, then his alpha predator kicks in, everyone look scare, and izuku smell air.
Dr.Rex: everyone calm down, Mr midorya got somthing.
As they wait, and yell
As he get up and run towards them
Everyone think somthing must have happen then dr.rex ask:who is most pervert in class.
One pro said: mineta
They got shock, monarch invegates every student to make sure non them, and discover mineta is predator to woman, and made assault one as well.
They yell we have to go now. As every member, plus one pro tell Nezu about mineta crimes they move fast they can.
Back to present time
Izuku look at mineta, he snarl at him very mad.
Mineta: how did you get here midorya
Everyone wants to know how did he get here.
Izuku: Because I am alpha predator, I scents that momo and jiro is endanger
Mineta: doesn't matter, I hit them with list, now to have sex with me to cure or they die.
Everyone scare, but izuku went to momo and jiro, he cuts a little on his palms, and puts some on both their mouth.
Two girls fell better, it Surpiae Mineta and made him angery.
Izuku: What I did give my mates some of my blood or better known as regenerate g1. Is cell allows Godzilla species heal and gain immunity to diseases and poison relate material.
Everyone shock, he save them from mineta.
Izuku: Once I give my blood to them, they have cell already in blood, and reproduce quickly, plus rid of harmful materials.
Mineta shock his plan is ruin by midoriya
Mineta: damn it midorya, but I am not going down like this, I can tell everyone you try to rape and kill them and you force me to trap them. Now If I go down, you to
Everyone got scare,but izuku not scare but with smile.
Mineta: hey why are you not scare?
Izuku: Because nezu is behind you And you told your plan!
Mineta: that rat, can't do nothing on me!
???: oh really mineta, you got balls to say that to me.
As he turn around see every UA staff, pros, police, and even monarch.

 As he turn around see every UA staff, pros, police, and even monarch

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Nezu: so you plan to rape my students, and let midorya take blame.
Mineta got scare but words shock him
Nezu: as right now, mineta you are expelled!!!!
As mineta fell down ground, police arrest him for attempt rape, use illegal drugs, forged crime, and assault as well. 
As everyone free students, jiro and momo, yell thank you, and kiss him a lot. Girls of class 1a are sad, they got better boyfriends and unlinke boys from 1a.
But luck for them, two new student are male and they are alpha predator, plus with mineta gone female student come as well.

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