Black Tape

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"Hey dad," Void whispers while putting on his innocent look. I sit on the window ledge being as quite as I can even though the voices in my head are laughing. They're playing our game so naively it's hilarious. The Sheriff looks towards his son and shows us the two pairs of handcuffs making me sigh and create fake tears with my water abilities.

"Y-you want to handcuff us? Me?" He asks with his voice shaking as he stares with soft eyes at his hosts father. The Sheriff steps down the stairs getting close to us with a look of disbelief.

"If my son is still here, if there is still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect the both of you." He states while staring at his son cautiously.

Void lifts up his hands, surrendering to the man stood infront of him. I watch as the man wraps the steel cuffs around his sons risks, I stand and slowly walk towards the Sheriff giving him a sad smile. However the smile grows as I watch my love break the handcuffs and stares up at the man. I look behind the man to see a few people stride in making me clap my hands and squeal.

"Oh this is going to be fun! The bands getting back togetherrrr!" I sing and watch as the all stare at me in confusion. Void has a smile on his face as-well and leans into me making me giggle.

They all gather around us and Allison brings out a taser and tries to shoot it at me, but Void grabs the electricity and holds it in his hands before throwing it to the side. The big wolf charges towards me but I lift him into the air with a flick of a finger and bring him harshly back to the ground. I place my foot on his chest and give him a small bark before falling into a unstoppable giggle.


I turn and see Argent with a gun facing towards me. I give him a smile and step forward, my eyes refusing to leave his. I press my forehead to the gun and watch as he falters at my movement. I feel Void behind me smirk at my confidence before staring at his 'dad'.

"Argent, listen to me, don't do this." The Sheriff pleads watching me stand there with a smirk my eyes never leaving his.

"Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, Beserkers. I can easily add a few more to my list." He confidently states. I raise my eyebrows giggling as I cock my head at him. Another gun is raised however this time it was at the Hunter. I make a dramatic ooo face watching them both and how the Hunter looks at the Sheriff in disbelief.

"You're not going to shoot her. She saved our lives remember. Your daughters life. Your not gonna shoot either of them." He states as he looks at me with sad eyes.

"You said it yourself. That's not them." He states cocking the gun while I close my eyes and lick my lips. I start to hear void behind me falter as he watches the scene take place and try's to get the most out of this.

"D-dad he's gonna shoot her!" He shouts in disbelief.

"Put the gun down! Now do it. Put it down." The Sheriff yells after seeing his sons distressed state. I open my eyes and see the Hunter shake a little which brings me excitement. I laugh enjoying his state and press my forehead harder on the gun.

"Shoot me! Pull the trigger and I can recommend you a good therapist for after!" I tease him further while batshit crazy personality masks my face.

"Listen to me put the gun down! Right now! Put it down! Put it down!" The Sheriff yells.

"Shoot her!" Void joins in as he watches the love of his life grin. The light from outside dims to a dark black. The sky painted over the blue filling each crack. I step away from the gun as the smile lingered. I brought my thumb up to my lip and wiped the smudged lipstick away.

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