Dear Diary - 06

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14 October, 2016.
( 4 years ago)

Dear Diary,

Everything is going normal in my college, I'm getting good grades, my professors are impressed with me, everything's going great.

But you know, I don't just pick my pen up, sit in a corner and write such ordinary things in you. Today I'm writing you, not because I'm happy and definitely not sad, it's just some foreign feeling to me. It's kinda hard to explain or write but I've never felt this way before.

Not leaving you on cliffhanger, today I met a boy. Hans is the name, Hans Nicholas Anderson. Same college as mine but he's a senior year student in Masters of Business Administration. I had kinda already heard of him even before today, you know famous students and all. He's one of them.

I thought of him as a jerk with too much attitude but he's totally opposite of that, he's polite, gentle and remarkably handsome. And he's the first one to notice my existence. I mean can you believe he came to me and said ' What's your name Nerd? ' I swear I froze and became dumb for a moment.

I mean no one ever asked my name like that. It's not like I ever craved for anyone's attention. Everyone likes a girl who talks a lot, have a nice sense of humour, who change their boyfriends like their hair colour, have a gorgeous face and all.

And I do talk a lot, with myself. My level of sense of humor is out of their brain range. I'm single by choice. And about a gorgeous face, that... Let's not talk about that!

Well I just kinda feel scared of having any sort of relationship with anybody, be it friend or boyfriend. So I prefer being quiet, keeping my thoughts and feeling inside my head only.

Because eventually they're gonna leave you. That's all I have learned from my family. So called family to be correct. But sometimes I wonder, not everyone is like Mr. Williamson. There must exist some loyal and loving humans too. Whom I could talk my heart out, and who would reply me verbally, unlike you Diary!

Back to the point, so he asked me my name and I don't want to explain how I reacted, it was so embarrassing. I could not utter a single word, I was just blushing like a red tomato.

And before you start laughing, let me tell you, he asked me for a coffee date. Well not a ' date ' date but... Can you believe a boy asked me out!? And he also gave me a nickname ' Silly Nerd ' on our very first meeting, isn't it romantic? I mean isn't it sweet? .

Although I hate this word. I'm not a nerd. Yes I don't talk much but I say Good Morning to every professor I see on my way through college corridor. Okay not every professor but the ones I like the most. Okay fine, only Professor Ryan, he's bloody handsome.

And I spend most of my time in library around books. I don't skip lectures which I'm very proud of. Instead of hanging out with those idiot batchmates of mine, I prefer getting lost in thinking and writing my books. And none of this proves that I'm a nerd, does it?

Come on I don't wear big spectacles but I have to admit, it sounds so romantic. No I mean not romantic but cute when he calls me ' Silly Nerd '.

I'm not creepy but I won't lie to you, I stalked his social media accounts, and not trying to be cheesy but he looks better in real than social media. He is very bad at posing.

Adding some more details, his last girlfriend was Rebecca White. The popular and heavenly lush Rebecca White, in the same batch as his. But he's currently single.

He likes tea. I know it's hard to believe but yes, I mean oldies drink tea. How can a person like him with such a cool personality could ever like such ridiculous thing.

And it's five minutes past nine, and I'm late for bed. So Good Night Dairy.

-Love Noriana.


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