Part 14

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" excuse me?" Lily asked.

Had she heard him right? It couldnt be. Because it sounded like he just said—

" im in love with your best friend."

" what? Alice?"

" huh? No! What? no your best friend? Who you've known since childhood?"

Lily's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

" how? What? you two were gone for ONE night! What the hell happened during that time?" She yelled.

" a lot lily. A lot." James responded.

Lily exhaled, looking at james with a blank look.

" have you told him?"

" no. But i will tonight."

" god james. Youve known you liked him for like 2 days! How can you already be professing your love!"

" look lily nothing about how we're going about this is conventional. Our child came from the future, we kissed before he were even friends and then i fell in love with him and gave him a ring-"

" wait that new black ring he never takes off is from you?!"

" yes? Wait ive never seen him wear it. I thought he didn't like it."

" are you kidding? He wears it everyday. He just takes it off when you're around so you wont get that stupid smug face like you have right now." Lily said sternly and she just wanted to smack that amused look on his face.

" this is why he doesnt show you affection." Lily pointed at his face and stood up.

" god james, HOW?!" She yelled. She couldn't believe it. They were just starting to get along which lily always wanted but 1 week in and james was already in LOVE?!

" i dont know how. I just think im in love with him."

" you THINK? Or you KNOW? Because i dont know if you know james but those two are VERY TWO DIFFERENT THINGS." Lily gestured randomly.

James rolled his eyes and nodded, propping his elbows onto his knees.

" yes lily i know. And i am like 98% sure i love him. And im pretty sure he likes me back too."

" well i hope so. I dont wanna deal with a crybaby distraught over not getting his crush like you do every time someone rejects you."

James scowled at lily.

" you're mean."

" well get used to it because severus is a hell of a lot meaner than me!"

" at least you're nice most of the time. Severus is just mean and snarky all the time." James crossed his arms.

Lily huffed and crossed her arms as well.

" wow yeah you sound like someone who is in love."

James sighed and stood up, holding her by both shoulders.

" look. Tonight im gonna see him in the astronomy tower. I'll confess my love, get rejected or get accepted, live a happy life with my future husband and have a baby by the time im 20. It will all be good." James pat her shoulders and walked away, picking up his bag and walking out the astronomy tower.

" wha- where are you going?!" Lily yelled after him.

" ive got a date M'lady!"

" you're a lunatic!"

" a lunatic in love!"

Lily exhaled loudly and stomped her foot. She loved them both dearly, she really did but neither of them were any good with emotions.

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